adnan bakri
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Boosting lean production via TPM
AH Bakri, ARA Rahim, NM Yusof, R Ahmad
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 65, 485-491, 2012
Addressing the Issues of Maintenance Management in SMEs: Towards Sustainable and Lean Maintenance Approach
IHZ Adnan Bakri, M.F.M. Alkbir, Nuha Awang, Fatihhi Januddi, M. A. Ismail ...
Emerging Science Journal 5 (3), 367-379, 2021
Adoption of the Systematic Facilities Management Approach to the Sustainable Performance of Mosques
ANAA Adnan Bakri, Izatul Husna Zakaria, Rahimah Kassim
International Journal of Technology (IJTech) 9 (Issue 8, Dec 2018), 1542-1550, 2018
Development and testing of hydraulic ram pump (hydram): Experiments and simulations
FS Januddi, MM Huzni, MS Effendy, A Bakri, Z Mohammad, Z Ismail
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 440 (1), 012032, 2018
Uplifting the Function of Maintenance Management towards Sustainable Performance of Laboratory and Workshop in TVET Institutions
IHZ Adnan Bakri
The Journal of Social Sciences Research 6 (6), 153-160, 2018
Maintenance management: Rationale of TPM as the research focus
A Adnan Hj.Bakri, A Rahman, M Yusof
Applied Mechanics and Materials 670, 1575-1582, 2014
Organization support for cloud computing implementation success in education system: scale development and validity in Delphi
K Rahimah, AH NorAziati, HB Adnan
Int. J. Eng. Technol 7, 512-516, 2018
A development of piezoelectric model as an energy harvester from mechanical vibration
HM Yatim, FM Ismail, SE Kosnan, Z Mohammad, FS Januddi, A Bakri
Chemical Engineering Transactions 63, 775-780, 2018
Systematic Industrial Maintenance to Boost the Quality Management Programs
A Bakri, MAFMS Januddi
Springer Nature, 2020
The influences of workplace environment, job satisfaction and organization commitment on job performance in manufacturing industry
ANA Ahmad, MF Ahmad, NA Hamid, NAA Hamid, N Ismail, G Nawanir, ...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management 8 (6), 944-950, 2019
Implementation of lean technique towards reducing waiting time in a public healthcare using Arena simulation
ANA Ahmad, MF Ahmad, NA Hamid, NAA Hamid, TC Lee, G Nawanir, ...
International Journal of Integrated Engineering 13 (7), 201-214, 2021
A review on critical success factors for total productive maintenance and development of research framework
A Bakri, ANA b Ahmad, MA Mahzan
Green Lean Practices towards Increasing Operation Value of Manufacturing Company
ANA Ahmad, MF Ahmad, NA Hamid, Y Ngadiman, MI Pakir, G Nawanir, ...
International Journal of Integrated Engineering 12 (7), 128-133, 2020
Analysis of Top Management Support and Its Impact towards Successful of Maintenance Management Task in Manufacturing Plant
IHZ Adnan Bakri, M.F.M Alkbir, Fatihhi Januddi, Z. Mohamad, M.S.E.Kosnan, M ...
TEST Engineering and Management 83 (May-June 2020), 12794-12805, 2020
A review on the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) conceptual framework
A Hj. Bakri, AR Abdul Rahim, MY Noordin, WK Mohd Razali, ...
Applied Mechanics and Materials 660, 1043-1051, 2014
Selection of lean tools in manufacturing company towards productivity using AHP method
ANA Ahmad, MF Ahmad, NA Hamid, R Ruslan, LT Chuan, G Nawanir, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2644 (1), 2022
Barriers and current challenges facing the renewable energy implementation in Libya: a review
MM Bahour, MFM Alkbir, F Januddi, A Bakri
Polityka Energetyczna-Energy Policy Journal, 141-160-141-160, 2021
Development of oil plam fiber waste inventory system for optimal electricity grid supply: Biomass briquette
IH Zakaria, A Bakri, JA Ibrahim, AA Othman
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2018
Total Productive Maintenance Framework
AB Bakri
Doctoral Dissertation, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2015
Total Productive Maintenance: Competing or complementary to other initiatives?
AH Bakri, ARA Rahim, NM Yusof
Applied Mechanics and Materials 315, 472-476, 2013
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Articles 1–20