Ali Ebrahimi Khabbazi
Ali Ebrahimi Khabbazi
Senior Product Development Engineer at AMD, Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto
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Sperm whale algorithm: an effective metaheuristic algorithm for production optimization problems
A Ebrahimi, E Khamehchi
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 29, 211-222, 2016
Numerical study of the effect of the channel and electrode geometry on the performance of microfluidic fuel cells
AE Khabbazi, AJ Richards, M Hoorfar
Journal of Power Sources 195 (24), 8141-8151, 2010
Melting process investigation of phase change materials in a shell and tube heat exchanger enhanced with heat pipe
A Ebrahimi, MJ Hosseini, AA Ranjbar, M Rahimi, R Bahrampoury
Renewable Energy 138, 378-394, 2019
Developing a new form of the Kozeny–Carman parameter for structured porous media through lattice-Boltzmann modeling
AE Khabbazi, JS Ellis, A Bazylak
Computers & Fluids 75, 35-41, 2013
Developing a novel workflow for natural gas lift optimization using advanced support vector machine
A Ebrahimi, E Khamehchi
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 28, 626-638, 2016
Analytical tortuosity–porosity correlations for Sierpinski carpet fractal geometries
AE Khabbazi, J Hinebaugh, A Bazylak
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 78, 124-133, 2015
A robust model for computing pressure drop in vertical multiphase flow
A Ebrahimi, E Khamehchi
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 26, 1306-1316, 2015
Determining the impact of rectangular grain aspect ratio on tortuosity–porosity correlations of two-dimensional stochastically generated porous media
A Ebrahimi Khabbazi, J Hinebaugh, A Bazylak
Science Bulletin 61, 601-611, 2016
Photographic study of bubble departure diameter in saturated pool boiling to electrolyte solutions
SM Peyghambarzadeh, A Hatami, A Ebrahimi, ASA Fazel
Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly 20 (1), 143-153, 2014
Thermodynamics of the solubility of barium nitrate in the mixed solvent, ethanol+ water, and the related ion-association
M Aghaie, H Aghaie, A Ebrahimi
Journal of molecular liquids 135 (1-3), 72-74, 2007
Design of pico-hydro turbine generator systems for self-powered electrochemical water disinfection devices
D Powell, A Ebrahimi, S Nourbakhsh, M Meshkahaldini, AM Bilton
Renewable Energy 123, 590-602, 2018
The use of optimization procedures to estimate minimum miscibility pressure
A Ebrahimi, E Khamehchi
Petroleum science and technology 32 (8), 947-957, 2014
Investigation of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon (CO2, N2) gas injection on enhanced oil recovery in one of the Iranian oil fields
A Ebrahimi, E Khamehchi, J Rostami
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 2, 209-222, 2012
Thermodynamics of Non-Ideality and Ion-Association in Saturated Aqueous Solution of Barium Nitrate at 25° C
M Aghaie, H Aghaie, A Ebrahimi
Journal of Physical & Theoretical Chemistry 5 (3), 43, 2005
Prediction of the influence of liquid loading on wellhead parameters
E Khamehchi, SV Yasrebi, A Ebrahimi
Petroleum science and technology 32 (14), 1680-1689, 2014
Computational modeling and field evaluation of an innovative solar updraft aeration system for aquaculture in the developing world
S Sur, A Mahmoud, A Ebrahimi Khabbazi, E Pavlov, AM Bilton
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2016
Numerical and analytical characterization of transport properties for single phase flows in granular porous media
AE Khabbazi
University of Toronto (Canada), 2015
Characterization of a two-phase pore-Scale network model of supercritical carbon dioxide transport within brine-filled porous media
JS Ellis, A Ebrahimi, A Bazylak
Energy Sustainability 54686, 1307-1314, 2011
Comprehensive numerical study of microfluidic fuel cells
A Ebrahimi Khabbazi
University of British Columbia, 2010
Modeling of Microfluidic Fuel Cells With Flow-Through Porous Electrodes
AE Khabbazi, M Hoorfar
International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology …, 2010
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