Hrishikesh Amur
Hrishikesh Amur
Software Engineer, Google
在 google.com 的电子邮件经过验证
Robust and flexible power-proportional storage
H Amur, J Cipar, V Gupta, GR Ganger, MA Kozuch, K Schwan
Proceedings of the 1st ACM symposium on Cloud computing, 217-228, 2010
VM power metering: feasibility and challenges
B Krishnan, H Amur, A Gavrilovska, K Schwan
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 38 (3), 56-60, 2011
Idlepower: Application-aware management of processor idle states
H Amur, R Nathuji, M Ghosh, K Schwan, HHS Lee
Proceedings of the Workshop on Managed Many-Core Systems, MMCS 8, 2008
Design of a write-optimized data store
H Amur, DG Andersen, M Kaminsky, K Schwan
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013
Memory-efficient groupby-aggregate using compressed buffer trees
H Amur, W Richter, DG Andersen, M Kaminsky, K Schwan, ...
Proceedings of the 4th annual Symposium on Cloud Computing, 1-16, 2013
{ELF}:{Efficient} Lightweight Fast Stream Processing at Scale
L Hu, K Schwan, H Amur, X Chen
2014 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 14), 25-36, 2014
Coordinated optimization of cooling and IT power in data centers
E Samadiani, H Amur, B Krishnan, Y Joshi, K Schwan
Achieving Power-Efficiency in Clusters without Distributed File System Complexity
H Amur, K Schwan
ISCA Workshops 2010, 2010
Towards optimal power management: Estimation of performance degradation due to DVFS on modern processors
H Amur, K Schwan, M Prvulovic
College Comput., Georgia Tech., Atlanta, GA, USA, Tech. Rep. GIT-CERCS-10-02, 2010
A-Cache: Resolving cache interference for distributed storage with mixed workloads
B Ravi, H Amur, K Schwan
2013 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 1-8, 2013
Understanding and Managing IT Power Consumption: A Measurement-Based Approach
A Gavrilovska, K Schwan, H Amur, B Krishnan, J Vidyashankar, C Wang, ...
Energy Efficient Thermal Management of Data Centers, 169-197, 2012
Plimsoll: a DVS Algorithm Hierarchy
HR Amur, GR Shenoy, D Sarma, S Vaddagiri
Storage and aggregation for fast analytics systems
H Amur
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013
FastMR: fast processing for large distributed data streams
L Hu, K Schwan, H Amur
Proceedings of the 4th annual Symposium on Cloud Computing, 1-1, 2013
Robust and Flexible Power-Proportional Storage (CMU-PDL-10-106)
H Amur, J Cipar, V Gupta, G Ganger, MA Kozuch, K Schwan
Carnegie Mellon University, 0
Acun, Bilge
A Afsahi, D Akin, H Akkan, M Albrecht, J Alexander, S Alinezhad, ...
FASTlib Design and Development Manual
A Gray, G Boyer, R Riegel, N Vasiloglou, N Syed, A Aditya, H Amur, ...
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