Frank Hilker
Cited by
Cited by
Experimental demonstration of chaos in a microbial food web
L Becks, FM Hilker, H Malchow, K Jürgens, H Arndt
Nature 435 (7046), 1226-1229, 2005
Hunting cooperation and Allee effects in predators
M Teixeira Alves, FM Hilker
Journal of Theoretical Biology 419, 13-22, 2017
Disease-induced stabilization of predator-prey oscillations
FM Hilker, K Schmitz
Journal of Theoretical Biology 255 (3), 299-306, 2008
The Allee effect and infectious diseases: Extinction, multistability, and the (dis‐)appearance of oscillations
FM Hilker, M Langlais, H Malchow
The American Naturalist 173 (1), 72-88, 2009
A diffusive SI model with Allee effect and application to FIV
FM Hilker, M Langlais, SV Petrovskii, H Malchow
Mathematical Biosciences 206 (1), 61-80, 2007
Why are metapopulations so rare?
EA Fronhofer, A Kubisch, FM Hilker, T Hovestadt, HJ Poethke
Ecology 93 (8), 1967-1978, 2012
Moving forward in circles: challenges and opportunities in modelling population cycles
F Barraquand, S Louca, KC Abbott, CA Cobbold, F Cordoleani, ...
Ecology Letters 20 (8), 1074-1092, 2017
Pathogens can slow down or reverse invasion fronts of their hosts
FM Hilker, MA Lewis, H Seno, M Langlais, H Malchow
Biological Invasions 7 (5), 817-832, 2005
The hydra effect in predator–prey models
M Sieber, FM Hilker
Journal of Mathematical Biology 64 (1-2), 341-360, 2012
Strange periodic attractors in a prey-predator system with infected prey
FM Hilker, H Malchow
Mathematical Population Studies 13 (3), 119-134, 2006
Spatiotemporal patterns in an excitable plankton system with lysogenic viral infection
H Malchow, FM Hilker, RR Sarkar, K Brauer
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 42 (9-10), 1035-1048, 2005
Patterns of patchy spread in deterministic and stochastic models of biological invasion and biological control
SV Petrovskii, H Malchow, FM Hilker, E Venturino
Biological Invasions 7 (5), 771-793, 2005
Population collapse to extinction: the catastrophic combination of parasitism and Allee effect
FM Hilker
Journal of Biological Dynamics 4 (1), 86-101, 2010
Disease-induced modification of prey competition in eco-epidemiological models
M Sieber, H Malchow, FM Hilker
Ecological Complexity 18, 74-82, 2014
Oscillations and waves in a virally infected plankton system:: Part I: The lysogenic stage
H Malchow, FM Hilker, SV Petrovskii, K Brauer
Ecological Complexity 1 (3), 211-223, 2004
Predator–prey systems in streams and rivers
FM Hilker, MA Lewis
Theoretical Ecology 3 (3), 175-193, 2010
Implications of partial immunity on the prospects for tuberculosis control by post-exposure interventions
MGM Gomes, P Rodrigues, FM Hilker, NB Mantilla-Beniers, M Muehlen, ...
Journal of Theoretical Biology 248 (4), 608-617, 2007
Modelling disease introduction as biological control of invasive predators to preserve endangered prey
NM Oliveira, FM Hilker
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 72 (2), 444-468, 2010
Harvest timing and its population dynamic consequences in a discrete single-species model
B Cid, FM Hilker, E Liz
Mathematical Biosciences 248, 78-87, 2014
Complex dynamics in an eco-epidemiological model
AM Bate, FM Hilker
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 75 (11), 2059-2078, 2013
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Articles 1–20