Opportunity and change DL Featherman Basic book, 1978 | 2593 | 1978 |
Education, occupation, and earnings: Achievement in the early career WH Sewell New York.: Academic, 1975 | 2547 | 1975 |
The decomposition of effects in path analysis DF Alwin, RM Hauser American sociological review, 37-47, 1975 | 2363 | 1975 |
High stakes: Testing for tracking, promotion, and graduation RM Hauser, JP Heubert National Academies Press, 1999 | 1871* | 1999 |
Socioeconomic indexes for occupations: A review, update, and critique RM Hauser, JR Warren Sociological methodology 27 (1), 177-298, 1997 | 1568 | 1997 |
The process of stratification: Trends and analyses RM Hauser, DL Featherman Elsevier, 2013 | 956 | 2013 |
Assumptions of social mobility research in the US: The case of occupational status DL Featherman, FL Jones, RM Hauser Social science research 4 (4), 329-360, 1975 | 827 | 1975 |
Measuring socioeconomic status in studies of child development RM Hauser Child development 65 (6), 1541-1545, 1994 | 795 | 1994 |
An assessment of the construct validity of Ryff’s scales of psychological well-being: Method, mode, and measurement effects KW Springer, RM Hauser Social science research 35 (4), 1080-1102, 2006 | 737 | 2006 |
Causes and consequences of higher education: Models of the status attainment process WH Sewell, RM Hauser American Journal of Agricultural Economics 54 (5), 851-861, 1972 | 719 | 1972 |
Sex, schooling, and occupational status WH Sewell, RM Hauser, WC Wolf American journal of Sociology 86 (3), 551-583, 1980 | 691 | 1980 |
The Wisconsin longitudinal study of social and psychological factors in aspirations and achievements WH Sewell, RM Hauser Research in sociology of education and socialization 1 (1), 59-99, 1980 | 644 | 1980 |
The treatment of unobservable variables in path analysis RM Hauser, AS Goldberger Sociological methodology 3, 81-117, 1971 | 642 | 1971 |
Context and consex: A cautionary tale RM Hauser American journal of sociology 75 (4, Part 2), 645-664, 1970 | 507 | 1970 |
Comparative social mobility revisited: models of convergence and divergence in 16 countries DB Grusky, RM Hauser American Sociological Review, 19-38, 1984 | 485 | 1984 |
Equality of schooling: Trends and prospects RM Hauser, DL Featherman Sociology of education, 99-120, 1976 | 471 | 1976 |
Sexual inequalities and socioeconomic achievement in the US, 1962-1973 DL Featherman, RM Hauser American Sociological Review, 462-483, 1976 | 461 | 1976 |
A model of stratification with response error in social and psychological variables RM Hauser, SL Tsai, WH Sewell Sociology of Education, 20-46, 1983 | 439 | 1983 |
A structural model of the mobility table RM Hauser Social Forces 56 (3), 919-953, 1978 | 429 | 1978 |
Do birth cohorts matter? Age-period-cohort analyses of the obesity epidemic in the United States EN Reither, RM Hauser, Y Yang Social science & medicine 69 (10), 1439-1448, 2009 | 378 | 2009 |