Romeu, Jordi
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Cited by
Exact representation of antenna system diversity performance from input parameter description
S Blanch, J Romeu, I Corbella
Electronics letters 39 (9), 705-707, 2003
On the behavior of the Sierpinski multiband fractal antenna
C Puente-Baliarda, J Romeu, R Pous, A Cardama
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and propagation 46 (4), 517-524, 1998
The Koch monopole: A small fractal antenna
CP Baliarda, J Romeu, A Cardama
IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation 48 (11), 1773-1781, 2002
Fractal antenna engineering: The theory and design of fractal antenna arrays
DH Werner, RL Haupt, PL Werner
IEEE Antennas and propagation Magazine 41 (5), 37-58, 1999
Fractal multiband antenna based on the Sierpinski gasket
C Puente Baliarda, J Romeu Robert, R Pous Andrés, X Garcia, F Benitez
Electronics Letters 32 (1), 1-2, 1996
Small but long Koch fractal monopole
C Puente, J Romeu, R Pous, J Ramis, A Hijazo
Electronics letters 34 (1), 9-10, 1998
Fractal FSS: A novel dual-band frequency selective surface
J Romeu, Y Rahmat-Samii
IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation 48 (7), 1097-1105, 2000
Á Cardama, L Jofre, JM Rius, J Romeu, S Blanch, M Ferrando
Edicions UPC 8032, 2002
Perturbation of the Sierpinski antenna to allocate operating bands
C Puente, J Romeu, R Bartoleme, R Pous
Electronics letters 32 (24), 2186-2188, 1996
On the behavior of Koch island fractal boundary microstrip patch antenna
C Borja, J Romeu
IEEE transactions on Antennas and propagation 51 (6), 1281-1291, 2003
Self-biased reconfigurable graphene stacks for terahertz plasmonics
JS Gomez-Diaz, C Moldovan, S Capdevila, J Romeu, LS Bernard, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6334, 2015
Multiband properties of a fractal tree antenna generated by electrochemical deposition
C Puente, J Claret, F Sagues, J Romeu, MQ Lopez-Salvans, R Pous
Electronics Letters 32 (25), 2298-2299, 1996
Self-similar prefractal frequency selective surfaces for multiband and dual-polarized applications
JP Gianvittorio, J Romeu, S Blanch, Y Rahmat-Samii
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 51 (11), 3088-3096, 2003
A dual-linearly-polarized MEMS-reconfigurable antenna for narrowband MIMO communication systems
A Grau, J Romeu, MJ Lee, S Blanch, L Jofre, F De Flaviis
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 58 (1), 4-17, 2009
High directivity fractal boundary microstrip patch antenna
C Borja, G Font, S Blanch, J Romeu
Electronics Letters 36 (9), 778-779, 2000
Cylindrical geometry: A further step in active microwave tomography
A Broquetas, J Romeu, JM Rius, AR Elias-Fuste, A Cardama, L Jofre
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 39 (5), 836-844, 1991
Generalized Sierpinski fractal multiband antenna
J Romeu, J Soler
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 49 (8), 1237-1239, 2001
Multiband fractal antennas and arrays
C Puente, J Romeu, R Pous, A Cardama
Fractals in Engineering: From Theory to Industrial Applications, 222-236, 1997
Optimum antenna matching to minimise signal correlation on a two-port antenna diversity system
S Dossche, S Blanch, J Romeu
Electronics Letters 40 (19), 1, 2004
A reconfigurable antenna with beam steering and beamwidth variability for wireless communications
MA Towfiq, I Bahceci, S Blanch, J Romeu, L Jofre, BA Cetiner
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (10), 5052-5063, 2018
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