Christopher Nigel Preece
Cited by
Cited by
Adoption of building information modelling technology (BIM) perspectives from Malaysian engineering consulting services firms
J Rogers, HY Chong, C Preece
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 22 (4), 424-445, 2015
Stakeholder matrix for ethical relationships in the construction industry
K Moodley, N Smith, CN Preece
Construction Management and Economics 26 (6), 625-632, 2008
Sustainable construction waste management in Malaysia: A contractor's perspective
E Papargyropoulou, C Preece, R Padfield, AA Abdullah
Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment MISBE 2011 …, 2011
The rise of sustainability services for the built environment in Malaysia
E Papargyropoulou, R Padfield, O Harrison, C Preece
Sustainable Cities and Society 5, 44-51, 2012
Evaluation of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on the construction sites
AL Olanrewaju, AR AbdulAziz, CN Preece, K Shobowale
Cleaner engineering and technology 5, 100277, 2021
Examining retailers’ behaviour in managing critical points in Halal meat handling: A PLS analysis
M Kalantari Shahijan, S Rezaei, C Nigel Preece, ...
Journal of Islamic Marketing 5 (3), 446-472, 2014
Developing a framework of internationalisation for higher education institutions in Malaysia: A SWOT analysis
MK Shahijan, S Rezaei, CN Preece
International Journal of Management in Education 10 (2), 145-173, 2016
BIM perspectives on construction waste reduction
A Ahankoob, SM Khoshnava, R Rostami, C Preece
Management in Construction Research Association (MiCRA) Postgraduate …, 2012
Potential application of BIM in construction dispute and conflict
SM Khoshnava, A Ahankoob, C Preece, R Rostami
Management in Construction Research Association Postgraduate Conference, 1-8, 2012
Engineering, business & professional ethics
S Robinson, R Dixon, C Preece, K Moodley
Routledge, 2007
International medical travelers’ behavioral intention: An empirical study in Iran
MK Shahijan, S Rezaei, CN Preece, WKW Ismail
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 32 (5), 475-502, 2015
Managerial sustainability assessment tool for Iran's buildings
SB Namini, M Shakouri, MM Tahmasebi, C Preece
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering Sustainability …, 2014
Determining significant factors influencing Malaysian construction business performance in international markets
CMM Isa, HM Saman, CN Preece
Journal of Construction in Developing Countries 20 (2), 1, 2015
Construction business development
C Preece, P Smith, K Moodley
Routledge, 2007
Relationship marketing between specialist subcontractors and main contractors—Comparing UK and German practice
C Winter, CN Preece
International Journal for Construction Marketing 2 (1), 1-11, 2000
A preliminary assessment of greenhouse gas emission trends in the production and consumption of food in Malaysia
R Padfield, E Papargyropoulou, C Preece
Int. J. Technol 3 (1), 2012
Improving construction procurement systems using organizational strategies
HY Chong, CN Preece
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 11 (1), 5-20, 2014
Integrated project delivery implementation challenges in the construction industry
Z Kahvandi, E Saghatforoush, A ZareRavasan, C Preece
Civil Engineering Journal 5 (8), 1672-1683, 2019
The correlation of EVA and MVA with stock price of companies in Tehran stock market
B Panahi, CN Preece, WNW Zakaria, J Rogers
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business 6 (2), 291-308, 2014
A review of customer relationship (CRM) implications: benefits and challenges in construction organizations
RJ Preece C.N, H.Y.Chong, H Golizadeh
International Journal of Civil Engineering 13 (3), 362-371, 2015
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Articles 1–20