Zhiheng Hu
Zhiheng Hu
Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, A*STAR
在 simtech.a-star.edu.sg 的电子邮件经过验证
Selective laser melting of high strength Al–Cu–Mg alloys: Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties
H Zhang, H Zhu, T Qi, Z Hu, X Zeng
Materials Science and Engineering: A 656, 47-54, 2016
Effect of Zirconium addition on crack, microstructure and mechanical behavior of selective laser melted Al-Cu-Mg alloy
H Zhang, H Zhu, X Nie, J Yin, Z Hu, X Zeng
Scripta Materialia 134, 6-10, 2017
Experimental investigation on selective laser melting of 17-4PH stainless steel
Z Hu, H Zhu, H Zhang, X Zeng
Optics & Laser Technology 87, 17-25, 2017
Development of micro selective laser melting: the state of the art and future perspectives
B Nagarajan, Z Hu, X Song, W Zhai, J Wei
Engineering 5 (4), 702-720, 2019
Effect of Zr content on formability, microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Zr modified Al-4.24 Cu-1.97 Mg-0.56 Mn alloys
X Nie, H Zhang, H Zhu, Z Hu, L Ke, X Zeng
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 764, 977-986, 2018
Recrystallization-based grain boundary engineering of 316L stainless steel produced via selective laser melting
S Gao, Z Hu, M Duchamp, PSSR Krishnan, S Tekumalla, X Song, M Seita
Acta Materialia 200, 366-377, 2020
Study of residual stress in selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V
Z Xiao, C Chen, H Zhu, Z Hu, B Nagarajan, L Guo, X Zeng
Materials & Design 193, 108846, 2020
Effect of heat treatments on fatigue property of selective laser melting AlSi10Mg
C Zhang, H Zhu, H Liao, Y Cheng, Z Hu, X Zeng
International Journal of Fatigue 116, 513-522, 2018
Analysis of processing parameters and characteristics of selective laser melted high strength Al-Cu-Mg alloys: From single tracks to cubic samples
X Nie, H Zhang, H Zhu, Z Hu, L Ke, X Zeng
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 256, 69-77, 2018
Recent progress on the additive manufacturing of aluminum alloys and aluminum matrix composites: Microstructure, properties, and applications
Z Zhu, Z Hu, HL Seet, T Liu, W Liao, U Ramamurty, SML Nai
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 190, 104047, 2023
A comparative study on single-laser and multi-laser selective laser melting AlSi10Mg: defects, microstructure and mechanical properties
C Zhang, H Zhu, Z Hu, L Zhang, X Zeng
Materials Science and Engineering: A 746, 416-423, 2019
Selective Laser Melting of Cu10Zn alloy powder using high laser power
S Zhang, H Zhu, Z Hu, X Zeng, F Zhong
Powder Technology 342, 613-620, 2019
Micro selective laser melting of NiTi shape memory alloy: Defects, microstructures and thermal/mechanical properties
J Fu, Z Hu, X Song, W Zhai, Y Long, H Li, M Fu
Optics & Laser Technology 131, 106374, 2020
Horizontal dimensional accuracy prediction of selective laser melting
L Zhang, S Zhang, H Zhu, Z Hu, G Wang, X Zeng
Materials & Design 160, 9-20, 2018
Cracking criterion for high strength Al–Cu alloys fabricated by selective laser melting
Z Hu, X Nie, Y Qi, H Zhang, H Zhu
Additive Manufacturing 37, 101709, 2021
On the role of Zr content into Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect of selective laser melted high strength Al-Cu-Mg-Mn alloy
X Nie, H Zhang, H Zhu, Z Hu, Y Qi, X Zeng
Materials Letters 248, 5-7, 2019
A high strength Al–Li alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion: Densification, microstructure, and mechanical properties
Y Qi, H Zhang, X Nie, Z Hu, H Zhu, X Zeng
Additive Manufacturing 35, 101346, 2020
Microstructure, mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms of AlCu5MnCdVA aluminum alloy fabricated by selective laser melting
Z Hu, H Zhang, H Zhu, Z Xiao, X Nie, X Zeng
Materials Science and Engineering: A 759, 154-166, 2019
High strength Al–Li alloy development for laser powder bed fusion
Y Qi, Z Hu, H Zhang, X Nie, C Zhang, H Zhu
Additive Manufacturing 47, 102249, 2021
Hierarchical sheet triply periodic minimal surface lattices: design, geometric and mechanical performance
L Zhang, Z Hu, MY Wang, S Feih
Materials & Design 209, 109931, 2021
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