Kaya Tutuncuoglu
Cited by
Cited by
Transmission with energy harvesting nodes in fading wireless channels: Optimal policies
O Ozel, K Tutuncuoglu, J Yang, S Ulukus, A Yener
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 29 (8), 1732-1743, 2011
Optimum transmission policies for battery limited energy harvesting nodes
K Tutuncuoglu, A Yener
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 11 (3), 1180-1189, 2012
Sum-rate optimal power policies for energy harvesting transmitters in an interference channel
K Tutuncuoglu, A Yener
Journal of Communications and Networks 14 (2), 151-161, 2012
Optimum policies for an energy harvesting transmitter under energy storage losses
K Tutuncuoglu, A Yener, S Ulukus
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (3), 467-481, 2015
Fundamental limits of energy harvesting communications
O Ozel, K Tutuncuoglu, S Ulukus, A Yener
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (4), 126-132, 2015
Communicating with energy harvesting transmitters and receivers
K Tutuncuoglu, A Yener
2012 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, 240-245, 2012
Throughput maximization for two-way relay channels with energy harvesting nodes: The impact of relaying strategies
K Tutuncuoglu, B Varan, A Yener
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (6), 2081-2093, 2015
Cooperative energy harvesting communications with relaying and energy sharing
K Tutuncuoglu, A Yener
2013 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 1-5, 2013
Binary energy harvesting channel with finite energy storage
K Tutuncuoglu, O Ozel, A Yener, S Ulukus
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1591-1595, 2013
Energy harvesting networks with energy cooperation: Procrastinating policies
K Tutuncuoglu, A Yener
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (11), 4525-4538, 2015
Optimum transmission policies for energy harvesting two-way relay channels
K Tutuncuoglu, B Varan, A Yener
2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC), 586-590, 2013
Multiple access and two-way channels with energy harvesting and bi-directional energy cooperation
K Tutuncuoglu, A Yener
2013 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), 1-8, 2013
Optimal power policy for energy harvesting transmitters with inefficient energy storage
K Tutuncuoglu, A Yener
2012 46th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 1-6, 2012
Resource management for fading wireless channels with energy harvesting nodes
O Ozel, K Tutuncuoglu, J Yang, S Ulukus, A Yener
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 456-460, 2011
The binary energy harvesting channel with a unit-sized battery
K Tutuncuoglu, O Ozel, A Yener, S Ulukus
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63 (7), 4240-4256, 2017
Energy harvesting two-way half-duplex relay channel with decode-and-forward relaying: Optimum power policies
K Tutuncuoglu, B Varan, A Yener
2013 18th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 1-6, 2013
Adaptive transmission policies for energy harvesting wireless nodes in fading channels
O Ozel, K Tutuncuoglu, J Yang, S Ulukus, A Yener
Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 2011 45th Annual Conference on, 1-6, 2011
Short-term throughput maximization for battery limited energy harvesting nodes
K Tutuncuoglu, A Yener
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-5, 2011
Communicating using an energy harvesting transmitter: Optimum policies under energy storage losses
K Tutuncuoglu, A Yener
arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.6273, 2012
Improved capacity bounds for the binary energy harvesting channel
K Tutuncuoglu, O Ozel, A Yener, S Ulukus
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 976-980, 2014
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Articles 1–20