Mustapha Lebbah
Mustapha Lebbah
Full Professor, Paris-Saclay University - UVSQ - Versailles
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Cited by
State-of-the-art on clustering data streams
M Ghesmoune, M Lebbah, H Azzag
Big Data Analytics 1, 1-27, 2016
An evolutionary computing-based efficient hybrid task scheduling approach for heterogeneous computing environment
M Sulaiman, Z Halim, M Lebbah, M Waqas, S Tu
Journal of Grid Computing 19, 1-31, 2021
A new growing neural gas for clustering data streams
M Ghesmoune, M Lebbah, H Azzag
Neural Networks 78, 36-50, 2016
Biophysical regions identification using an artificial neuronal network: A case study in the South Western Atlantic
M Saraceno, C Provost, M Lebbah
Advances in Space Research 37 (4), 793-805, 2006
From variable weighting to cluster characterization in topographic unsupervised learning
N Grozavu, Y Bennani, M Lebbah
SOM clustering using spark-mapreduce
T Sarazin, H Azzag, M Lebbah
2014 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2014
BeSOM: Bernoulli on self-organizing map
M Lebbah, N Rogovschi, Y Bennani
2007 International joint conference on neural networks, 631-636, 2007
A distributed approximate nearest neighbors algorithm for efficient large scale mean shift clustering
G Beck, T Duong, M Lebbah, H Azzag, C Cérin
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 134, 128-139, 2019
S. Topological Map for Binary Data, ESANN 2000, Bruges
M Lebbah, F Badran, F Thiria
April 26-27-28, 2000, Proceedings, 2000
Transfer learning from synthetic labels for histopathological images classification
N Dif, MO Attaoui, Z Elberrichi, M Lebbah, H Azzag
Applied Intelligence 52 (1), 358-377, 2022
Nearest neighbour estimators of density derivatives, with application to mean shift clustering
T Duong, G Beck, H Azzag, M Lebbah
Pattern Recognition Letters 80, 224-230, 2016
Micro-batching growing neural gas for clustering data streams using spark streaming
M Ghesmoune, M Lebbah, H Azzag
Procedia Computer Science 53, 158-166, 2015
Feature selection for self-organizing map
K Benabdeslem, M Lebbah
2007 29th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, 45-50, 2007
A scalable and effective rough set theory-based approach for big data pre-processing
Z Chelly Dagdia, C Zarges, G Beck, M Lebbah
Knowledge and Information Systems 62 (8), 3321-3386, 2020
A distributed rough set theory based algorithm for an efficient big data pre-processing under the spark framework
ZC Dagdia, C Zarges, G Beck, M Lebbah
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 911-916, 2017
Mixed Topological Map.
M Lebbah, A Chazottes, F Badran, S Thiria
ESANN 17, 47, 2005
Deep embedded self-organizing maps for joint representation learning and topology-preserving clustering
F Forest, M Lebbah, H Azzag, J Lacaille
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (24), 17439-17469, 2021
Deep embedded SOM: joint representation learning and self-organization
F Forest, M Lebbah, H Azzag, J Lacaille
The European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, 6, 2019
G-stream: Growing neural gas over data stream
M Ghesmoune, H Azzag, M Lebbah
Neural Information Processing: 21st International Conference, ICONIP 2014 …, 2014
Deep architectures for joint clustering and visualization with self-organizing maps
F Forest, M Lebbah, H Azzag, J Lacaille
Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: PAKDD 2019 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20