Burt L. Monroe
Burt L. Monroe
Liberal Arts Professor of Political Science, Social Data Analytics & Informatics, Pennsylvania State
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Cited by
"The Theory of Committees and Elections" by Duncan Black, and "Committee Decisions with Complementary Valuation" by Duncan Black and RA Newing, revised second editions
I McLean, A McMillan, BL Monroe
Kluwer Academic Pub, 1998
How to analyze political attention with minimal assumptions and costs
KM Quinn, BL Monroe, M Colaresi, MH Crespin, DR Radev
American Journal of Political Science 54 (1), 209-228, 2010
Fightin' words: Lexical feature selection and evaluation for identifying the content of political conflict
BL Monroe, MP Colaresi, KM Quinn
Political Analysis 16 (4), 372-403, 2008
Fully proportional representation
BL Monroe
American Political Science Review 89 (4), 925-940, 1995
Electoral systems and unimagined consequences: Partisan effects of districted proportional representation
BL Monroe, AG Rose
American Journal of Political Science, 67-89, 2002
Disproportionality and malapportionment: measuring electoral inequity
BL Monroe
Electoral Studies 13 (2), 132-149, 1994
Introduction to the special issue: the statistical analysis of political text
BL Monroe, PA Schrodt
Political Analysis 16 (4), 351-355, 2008
Talk’s cheap: Text-based estimation of rhetorical ideal-points
BL Monroe, K Maeda
annual meeting of the Society for Political Methodology, 29-31, 2004
No! Formal theory, causal inference, and big data are not contradictory trends in political science
BL Monroe, J Pan, ME Roberts, M Sen, B Sinclair
PS: Political Science & Politics 48 (1), 71-74, 2015
Sentiment is not stance: Target-aware opinion classification for political text analysis
SE Bestvater, BL Monroe
Political Analysis 31 (2), 235-256, 2023
The theory of committees and elections. And Committee decisions with complementary valuation
D Black, RA Newing, I McLean, A McMillan, BL Monroe
(No Title), 1998
The Five Vs of Big Data Political Science: Introduction to the Virtual Issue on Big Data in Political Science
BL Monroe
Political Analysis 21 (V5), 2013
A mathematical approach to proportional representation: Duncan Black on Lewis Carroll
D Black, I McLean, A McMillan, BL Monroe
Kluwer Academic Pub, 1996
MavenRank: Identifying influential members of the US senate using lexical centrality
A Fader, DR Radev, MH Crespin, BL Monroe, KM Quinn, M Colaresi
Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2007
Planning for future uncertainties in electric power generation: an analysis of transitional strategies for reduction of carbon and sulfur emissions
RD Tabors, BL Monroe III
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on 6 (4), 1500-1507, 1991
Understanding Electoral Systems: Beyond Plurality versus PR
BL Monroe
PS: Political Science & Politics 27 (4), 677-682, 1994
The Effects of an Informational Intervention on Attention to Anti-Vaccination Content on YouTube
S Kim, OF Yalcin, SE Bestvater, K Munger, BL Monroe, BA Desmarais
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 14 …, 2020
Bias and responsiveness in multiparty and multigroup representation
BL Monroe
presentation to the Political Methodology Summer Meeting July 23 (26), 1998, 1998
Analysing community reaction to refugees through text analysis of social media data
C Kelling, BL Monroe
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (2), 492-534, 2023
Time series models for compositional data
PT Brandt, BL Monroe, JT Williams
Proceedings of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, July 7, 1999
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Articles 1–20