Dengquan Wang
Dengquan Wang
Tsinghua University | Paul Scherrer Institute
在 mails.tsinghua.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
The soundness of steel slag with different free CaO and MgO contents
Q Wang, D Wang, S Zhuang
Construction and Building Materials 151, 138-146, 2017
The role of fly ash microsphere in the microstructure and macroscopic properties of high-strength concrete
Q Wang, D Wang, H Chen
Cement and Concrete Composites 83, 125-137, 2017
Reuse of hazardous electrolytic manganese residue: Detailed leaching characterization and novel application as a cementitious material
D Wang, Q Wang, J Xue
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 154, 104645, 2020
Evaluation of alkali-activated blast furnace ferronickel slag as a cementitious material: reaction mechanism, engineering properties and leaching behaviors
D Wang, Q Wang, S Zhuang, J Yang
Construction and Building Materials 188, 860-873, 2018
New insights into the early reaction of NaOH-activated slag in the presence of CaSO4
D Wang, Q Wang, Z Huang
Composites Part B: Engineering 198, 108207, 2020
Reuse of copper slag as a supplementary cementitious material: Reactivity and safety
D Wang, Q Wang, Z Huang
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 162, 105037, 2020
Investigation on the poor fluidity of electrically conductive cement-graphite paste: Experiment and simulation
D Wang, Q Wang, Z Huang
Materials & Design 169, 107679, 2019
Clarifying and quantifying the immobilization capacity of cement pastes on heavy metals
D Wang, Q Wang
Cement and Concrete Research 161, 106945, 2022
Influence of steel slag fineness on the hydration of cement-steel slag composite pastes
L Pang, S Liao, D Wang, M An
Journal of Building Engineering 57, 104866, 2022
Review on the application of supplementary cementitious materials in self-compacting concrete
L Pang, Z Liu, D Wang, M An
Crystals 12 (2), 180, 2022
Influence of high-volume electric furnace nickel slag and phosphorous slag on the properties of massive concrete
Q Wang, Z Huang, D Wang
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 131, 873-885, 2018
Influence of elevated curing temperature on the properties of cement paste and concrete at the same hydration degree
Q Wang, M Shi, D Wang
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 32 (6), 1344-1351, 2017
Utilizing desulphurized electrolytic-manganese residue as a mineral admixture: A feasibility study
D Wang, J Fang, Q Wang, Y Liu
Cement and Concrete Composites 134, 104822, 2022
Contributions of fly ash and ground granulated blast-furnace slag to the early hydration heat of composite binder at different curing temperatures
W Qiang, S Mengxiao, W Dengquan
Advances in Cement Research 28 (5), 320-327, 2016
Effects of Ca (OH) 2 on the early hydration, macro-performance and environmental risks of the calcined phosphogypsum
Y Cui, H Wang, D Wang, Q Wang
Construction and Building Materials 324, 126590, 2022
Adverse effects of using metallurgical slags as supplementary cementitious materials and aggregate: a review
Q Zhao, L Pang, D Wang
Materials 15 (11), 3803, 2022
Occurrence and leaching behaviors of heavy-metal elements in metallurgical slags
L Pang, D Wang, H Wang, M An, Q Wang
Construction and Building Materials 330, 127268, 2022
Influence of alkali activators on the early hydration of cement-based binders under steam curing condition
D Wang, Q Wang, Z Fang
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 130, 1801-1816, 2017
Understanding the improvement of Mg-rich electrical ferronickel slag on magnesium potassium phosphate cement's performance
J Lu, H Yuan, D Wang
Journal of Building Engineering 75, 106893, 2023
Assessing heavy-metal leaching risk in cement-industrial slag composite pastes using a mechanism-based thermodynamic approach
D Wang, Q Wang, Y Cui, L Pang
Cement and Concrete Composites 140, 105074, 2023
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