xiumin martin
xiumin martin
professor of accounting, washington university in st. louis
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Cited by
Manager sentiment and stock returns
F Jiang, J Lee, X Martin, G Zhou
Journal of Financial Economics 132 (1), 126-149, 2019
Acquisition profitability and timely loss recognition
JR Francis, X Martin
Journal of accounting and economics 49 (1-2), 161-178, 2010
Executive compensation and the maturity structure of corporate debt
P Brockman, X Martin, E Unlu
The Journal of Finance 65 (3), 1123-1161, 2010
Financial development and the cash flow sensitivity of cash
IK Khurana, X Martin, R Pereira
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 41 (4), 787-808, 2006
Does voluntary disclosure improve stock price informativeness?
KS Haggard, X Martin, R Pereira
Financial Management 37 (4), 747-768, 2008
Firm growth and disclosure: An empirical analysis
IK Khurana, R Pereira, X Martin
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 41 (2), 357-380, 2006
Voluntary disclosures around share repurchases
P Brockman, IK Khurana, X Martin
Journal of Financial Economics 89 (1), 175-191, 2008
The role of firm-specific incentives and country factors in explaining voluntary IAS adoptions: Evidence from private firms
JR Francis, IK Khurana, X Martin, R Pereira
European accounting review 17 (2), 331-360, 2008
Do financial market developments influence accounting practices? Credit default swaps and borrowers׳ reporting conservatism
X Martin, S Roychowdhury
Journal of Accounting and Economics 59 (1), 80-104, 2015
Panacea, Pandora's box, or placebo: Feedback in bank mortgage-backed security holdings and fair value accounting
G Bhat, R Frankel, X Martin
Journal of Accounting and Economics 52 (2-3), 153-173, 2011
Insider trading, litigation concerns, and auditor going-concern opinions
C Chen, X Martin, X Wang
The Accounting Review 88 (2), 365-393, 2013
On the fast track: Information acquisition costs and information production
D Chen, Y Ma, X Martin, R Michaely
Journal of Financial Economics 143 (2), 794-823, 2022
Do firms adjust their timely loss recognition in response to changes in the banking industry?
TA Gormley, BH Kim, X Martin
Journal of Accounting Research 50 (1), 159-196, 2012
Accounting conservatism and creditor recovery rate
J Donovan, RM Frankel, X Martin
The Accounting Review 90 (6), 2267-2303, 2015
The relative importance of firm incentives versus country factors in the demand for assurance services by private entities
JR Francis, IK Khurana, X Martin, R Pereira
Contemporary Accounting Research 28 (2), 487-516, 2011
Clarity begins at home: Internal information asymmetry and external communication quality
C Chen, X Martin, S Roychowdhury, X Wang, MT Billett
The Accounting Review 93 (1), 71-101, 2018
Target firm-specific information and acquisition efficiency
X Martin, R Shalev
Management Science 63 (3), 672-690, 2017
Accounting quality and trade credit
D Chen, M Liu, T Ma, X Martin
Accounting Horizons 31 (3), 69-83, 2017
Issues raised by studying DeFond and Zhang: What should audit researchers do?
J Donovan, R Frankel, J Lee, X Martin, H Seo
Journal of Accounting and Economics 58 (2-3), 327-338, 2014
Do bank‐affiliated analysts benefit from lending relationships?
T Chen, X Martin
Journal of Accounting Research 49 (3), 633-675, 2011
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Articles 1–20