Theoretical neuroscience: computational and mathematical modeling of neural systems P Dayan, LF Abbott MIT press, 2005 | 7426 | 2005 |
A cosmological bound on the invisible axion LF Abbott, P Sikivie Physics Letters B 120 (1-3), 133-136, 1983 | 3513 | 1983 |
Competitive Hebbian learning through spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity S Song, KD Miller, LF Abbott Nature neuroscience 3 (9), 919-926, 2000 | 3418 | 2000 |
Synaptic plasticity: taming the beast LF Abbott, SB Nelson Nature neuroscience 3 (11), 1178-1183, 2000 | 2956 | 2000 |
Synaptic depression and cortical gain control LF Abbott, JA Varela, K Sen, SB Nelson Science 275 (5297), 221-224, 1997 | 2001 | 1997 |
Synaptic computation LF Abbott, WG Regehr Nature 431 (7010), 796-803, 2004 | 1977 | 2004 |
The background field method beyond one loop LF Abbott Nuclear Physics B 185 (1), 189-203, 1981 | 1694 | 1981 |
Generating coherent patterns of activity from chaotic neural networks D Sussillo, LF Abbott Neuron 63 (4), 544-557, 2009 | 1259 | 2009 |
Stability of gravity with a cosmological constant LF Abbott, S Deser Nuclear Physics B 195 (1), 76-96, 1982 | 1240 | 1982 |
Gain modulation from background synaptic input FS Chance, LF Abbott, AD Reyes Neuron 35 (4), 773-782, 2002 | 1163 | 2002 |
Constraints on generalized inflationary cosmologies LF Abbott, MB Wise Nuclear physics B 244 (2), 541-548, 1984 | 1136 | 1984 |
Lapicque’s introduction of the integrate-and-fire model neuron (1907) LF Abbott Brain research bulletin 50 (5-6), 303-304, 1999 | 1042 | 1999 |
The effect of correlated variability on the accuracy of a population code LF Abbott, P Dayan Neural computation 11 (1), 91-101, 1999 | 1007 | 1999 |
The neuronal architecture of the mushroom body provides a logic for associative learning Y Aso, D Hattori, Y Yu, RM Johnston, NA Iyer, TTB Ngo, H Dionne, ... elife 3, e04577, 2014 | 1001 | 2014 |
When inhibition not excitation synchronizes neural firing C Van Vreeswijk, LF Abbott, G Bard Ermentrout Journal of computational neuroscience 1, 313-321, 1994 | 912 | 1994 |
Particle production in the new inflationary cosmology LF Abbott, E Farhi, MB Wise Physics Letters B 117 (1-2), 29-33, 1982 | 862 | 1982 |
Introduction to the background field method LF Abbott Acta Phys. Pol. B 13 (CERN-TH-3113), 33-50, 1981 | 758 | 1981 |
Inferring single-trial neural population dynamics using sequential auto-encoders C Pandarinath, DJ O’Shea, J Collins, R Jozefowicz, SD Stavisky, JC Kao, ... Nature methods 15 (10), 805-815, 2018 | 702 | 2018 |
A quantitative description of short-term plasticity at excitatory synapses in layer 2/3 of rat primary visual cortex JA Varela, K Sen, J Gibson, J Fost, LF Abbott, SB Nelson Journal of Neuroscience 17 (20), 7926-7940, 1997 | 671 | 1997 |
Asynchronous states in networks of pulse-coupled oscillators LF Abbott, C Van Vreeswijk Physical Review E 48 (2), 1483, 1993 | 666 | 1993 |