Prof. Tinashe Chuchu
Prof. Tinashe Chuchu
Associate Professor: University of the Witwatersrand
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Cited by
Student Perceptions Towards the use of YouTube as An Educational Tool for Learning and Tutorials
ET Maziriri, P Gapa, T Chuchu
International Journal of Instruction 13 (2), 119-138, 2020
The influence of store environment on brand attitude, brand experience and purchase intention
T Chuchu, M Venter de Villiers, R Chinomona
South African Journal of Business Management 49 (1), 1-8, 2018
The Conception of Consumer Perceived Risk towards Online Purchases of Apparel and an Idiosyncratic Scrutiny of Perceived Social Risk: A Review of Literature
ET Maziriri, T Chuchu
International Review of Management and Marketing 7 (3), 257-365, 2017
Threats, Challenges, And Opportunities for Open Universities and Massive Online Open Courses in The Digital Revolution
M Nascimento Cunha, T Chuchu, ET Maziriri
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 15 (12), 191-204, 2020
Celebrity endorsement Advertising: Brand awareness, brand recall, brand loyalty as antecedence of South African young consumers' purchase behaviour
T Ndlela, T Chuchu
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies 8 (2 (J)), 79-90, 2016
Examining the usage of Instagram as a source of information for young consumers when determining tourist destinations
CIV Gumpo, T Chuchu, ET Maziriri, NW Madinga
South African Journal of Information Management 22 (1), 1-11, 2020
Exploring the impact of brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand attitude on purchase intention in online shopping
L Machi, P Nemavhidi, T Chuchu, B Nyagadza, MV de Villiers
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478 ˇK, 2022
An examination of the determinants of the adoption of mobile applications as learning tools for higher education students
T Chuchu, TT Ndoro
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 13 (3), 53-67, 2019
How user-generated content advertising influences consumer attitudes, trust and purchase intention of products and services
D Demba, N Chiliya, T Chuchu, T Ndoro
Communicare : Journal for Communication Sciences in Southern Africa 38 (1 ˇK, 2019
An Investigation of The Impact of Financial Literacy and Financial Socialization on Financial Satisfaction: Mediating Role of Financial Risk Attitude
NW Madinga, ET Maziriri, T Chuchu, ZN Magoda
Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies (SAGE, USA) 14 (1), 60-75, 2022
Antecedents of psychological well-being among workers within SMEs in the Gauteng Province, South Africa
ET Maziriri, T Chuchu, NW Madinga
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 45 (0), 1-13, 2019
Using ˇ§Memesˇ¨ as a Marketing Communication Tool in Connecting with Consumers within the Age of Digital Connectivity
S Vasile, L Mototo, T Chuchu
International Review of Management and Marketing 11 (3), 30-35, 2021
An Application of Internal Marketing for Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Johannesburg Construction Firms
WA Gwinji, N Chiliya, T Chuchu, T Ndoro
African Journal of Business and Economic Research 15 (1), 183 ˇV 200, 2020
Prognosticating anthropomorphic chatbots' usage intention as an e-banking customer service gateway: cogitations from Zimbabwe
B Nyagadza, A Muposhi, G Mazuruse, T Makoni, T Chuchu, ET Maziriri, ...
PSU Research Review (Emerald, UK) 8 (2), 356-372, 2024
The impact of airport experience on international touristsˇ¦ revisit intention: a South African case
T Chuchu
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 29 (2), 414ˇV427, 2020
To vote or not to vote: Marketing factors influencing the voting intention of university students in Johannesburg
A Morar, M Venter, T Chuchu
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies 7 (6), 81-93, 2015
An Application of the Marketing Mix and Online Marketing as a Business Strategy for SMME Cafés in South Africa
M Gujral, M Rauzela, T Chuchu
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies 8 (3), 14-25, 2016
Innovation conviction, innovation mindset and innovation creed as precursors for the need for achievement and women's entrepreneurial success in South Africa: entrepreneurial ˇK
ET Maziriri, B Nyagadza, T Chuchu
European Journal of Innovation Management (Emerald Insight, UK) 27 (4 ˇK, 2024
Facebook Communication and Marketing Influence on Decision-Making and Choice of University Student Representatives: A Studentˇ¦s Perspective
T Chininga, E Rungani, N Chiliya, T Chuchu
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 21 (2), 7-21, 2019
Factors influencing food consumption satisfaction and purchase decisions of restaurant consumers
ET Maziriri, TF Rukuni, T Chuchu
Cogent Business & Management (Taylor & Francis, UK) 8 (1), 1-27, 2021
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Articles 1–20