Bo Jiang (姜波)
Bo Jiang (姜波)
在 nwafu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Fusion of machine vision technology and AlexNet-CNNs deep learning network for the detection of postharvest apple pesticide residues
B Jiang, J He, S Yang, H Fu, T Li, H Song, D He
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 1, 1-8, 2019
Lameness detection of dairy cows based on the YOLOv3 deep learning algorithm and a relative step size characteristic vector
D Wu, Q Wu, X Yin, B Jiang, H Wang, D He, H Song
Biosystems Engineering 189, 150-163, 2020
FLYOLOv3 deep learning for key parts of dairy cow body detection
B Jiang, Q Wu, X Yin, D Wu, H Song, D He
Computers and electronics in agriculture 166, 104982, 2019
Using an EfficientNet-LSTM for the recognition of single Cow’s motion behaviours in a complicated environment
X Yin, D Wu, Y Shang, B Jiang, H Song
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 177, 105707, 2020
Deep image denoising with adaptive priors
B Jiang, Y Lu, J Wang, G Lu, D Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 32 (8), 5124-5136, 2022
Detection of the respiratory rate of standing cows by combining the Deeplab V3+ semantic segmentation model with the phase-based video magnification algorithm
D Wu, X Yin, B Jiang, M Jiang, Z Li, H Song
Biosystems Engineering 192, 72-89, 2020
Single-stream long-term optical flow convolution network for action recognition of lameness dairy cow
B Jiang, X Yin, H Song
Computers and electronics in agriculture 175, 105536, 2020
Lameness detection of dairy cows based on a double normal background statistical model
B Jiang, H Song, D He
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 158, 140-149, 2019
Dairy cow lameness detection using a back curvature feature
* Bo Jiang, Huaibo Song, Han Wang, Changying Li
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 194, 2022
Detection of dairy cow lameness based on fitting line slope feature of head and neck outline
H Song, B Jiang, Q Wu, T Li, D He
Transactions of the CSAE 34 (15), 190-199, 2018
Enhanced Frequency Fusion Network with Dynamic Hash Attention for image denoising
B Jiang, J Li, H Li, R Li, D Zhang, G Lu
Information Fusion, Pages 420-434, 2023
Multi-level Noise Contrastive Network for Few-shot Image Denoising
* Bo Jiang, Jiahuan Wang, Yao Lu, Guangming Lu, David Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022
Few-Shot Learning for Image Denoising
B Jiang, Y Lu, B Zhang, G Lu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 33 (9), 4741 …, 2023
Tracking multiple target cows’ ruminant mouth areas using optical flow and inter-frame difference methods
T Li, B Jiang, D Wu, X Yin, H Song
IEEE Access 7, 185520-185531, 2019
Respiratory behavior detection of cow based on Lucas-Kanade sparse optical flow algorithm
H Song, D Wu, X Yin, B Jiang, D He
Trans. Chin. Soc. Agric. Eng 35, 215-224, 2019
Graph Attention in Attention Network for Image Denoising
B Jiang, Y Lu, X Chen, X Lu, G Lu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Systems 1 (1), Pages 1-12, 2023
Contrastive feature decomposition for image reflection removal
X Feng, H Ji, B Jiang, W Pei, F Chen, G Lu
2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 1-6, 2021
Real noise image adjustment networks for saliency-aware stylistic color retouch
B Jiang, Y Lu, G Lu, D Zhang
Knowledge-Based Systems 242, 108317, 2022
Detection of moving cows based on adaptive kernel density estimation algorithm
宋怀波, 阴旭强, 吴頔华, 姜波, 何东健
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery 50 (5), 196-204, 2019
Automatic detection of multi-target ruminate cow mouths based on Horn-Schunck optical flow algorithm
H Song, T Li, B Jiang, Q Wu, D He
Trans. Chin. Soc. Agric. Eng 34, 163-171, 2018
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