An Overflow/Underflow-Free Floating-Point Representation of Numbers. M Shouichi, I Masao Journal of Information Processing 4 (3), 123-133, 1981 | 49 | 1981 |
Heuristics for planar minimum‐weight perfect metchings M Iri, K Murota, S Matsui Networks 13 (1), 67-92, 1983 | 44 | 1983 |
Improving the performance of ACO algorithms by adaptive control of candidate set I Watanabe, S Matsui The 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2003. CEC'03. 2, 1355-1362, 2003 | 38 | 2003 |
Genetic algorithm can optimize hierarchical menus S Matsui, S Yamada Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2008 | 36 | 2008 |
Linear-time approximation algorithms for finding the minimum-weight perfect matching on a plane M Iri, K Murota, S Matsui Information Processing Letters 12 (4), 206-209, 1981 | 22 | 1981 |
Adaptive multiagent model of electric power market with congestion management I Watanabe, K Okada, K Tokoro, S Matsui Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. CEC'02 (Cat …, 2002 | 20 | 2002 |
Improving the performance of a genetic algorithm for minimum span frequency assignment problem with an adaptive mutation rate and a new initialization method S Matsui, K Tokoro Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2001 | 20 | 2001 |
Optimizing hierarchical menus by genetic algorithm and simulated annealing S Matsui, S Yamada Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
An approximate solution for the problem of optimizing the plotter pen movement M Iri, K Murota, S Matsui System Modeling and Optimization: Proceedings of the 10th IFIP Conference …, 1982 | 19 | 1982 |
A new genetic algorithm for minimum span frequency assignment using permutation and clique S Matsui, K Tokoro Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2000 | 18 | 2000 |
Application of the parameter‐free genetic algorithm to the fixed channel assignment problem S Matsui, I Watanabe, KI Tokoro Systems and Computers in Japan 36 (4), 71-81, 2005 | 16 | 2005 |
An efficient hybrid genetic algorithm for a fixed channel assignment problem with limited bandwidth S Matsui, I Watanabe, K Tokoro Genetic and Evolutionary Computation—GECCO 2003: Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2003 | 15 | 2003 |
An empirical performance evaluation of a parameter-free genetic algorithm for job-shop scheduling problem S Matsui, S Yamada 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 3796-3803, 2007 | 10 | 2007 |
A parameter-free genetic algorithm for a fixed channel assignment problem with limited bandwidth S Matsui, I Watanabe, K Tokoro International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 789-799, 2002 | 10 | 2002 |
A fast genetic algorithm using allocation order for fixed channel assignment in mobile communications S Matsui, K Tokoro IEICE Trans 83, 645-653, 2000 | 7 | 2000 |
Real-coded parameter-free genetic algorithm for job-shop scheduling problems S Matsui, I Watanabe, K Tokoro International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 800-810, 2002 | 6 | 2002 |
An efficient genetic algorithm for a fixed frequency assignment problem with limited bandwidth constraint S Matsui, I Watanabe, K Tokoro Systems and Computers in Japan 35 (10), 32-39, 2004 | 5 | 2004 |
Improving the performance of a genetic algorithm for fixed channel assignment problems S Matsui, K Tokoro IEICE Trans. D J85-DI (1), 10-20, 2002 | 5 | 2002 |
트위터와 신문의 이슈 속성 비교 연구: MBC 파업을 중심으로 이미나, 박천일, 문지영 인터넷정보학회논문지 15 (4), 43-55, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
A genetic algorithm for optimizing hierarchical menus S Matsui, S Yamada 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE World Congress on …, 2008 | 3 | 2008 |