Edward M. Heithmar
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Hydrodynamic chromatography online with single particle-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for ultratrace detection of metal-containing nanoparticles
SA Pergantis, TL Jones-Lepp, EM Heithmar
Analytical chemistry 84 (15), 6454-6462, 2012
Mercury concentrations in fish from Lake Mead, USA, related to fish size, condition, trophic level, location, and consumption risk
JV Cizdziel, TA Hinners, JE Pollard, EM Heithmar, CL Cross
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 43, 0309-0317, 2002
Minimization of interferences in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry using on-line preconcentration
EM Heithmar, TA Hinners, JT Rowan, JM Riviello
Analytical Chemistry 62 (8), 857-864, 1990
Determination of total mercury in fish tissues using combustion atomic absorption spectrometry with gold amalgamation
JV Cizdziel, TA Hinners, EM Heithmar
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 135, 355-370, 2002
Roxarsone and transformation products in chicken manure: determination by capillary electrophoresis‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry
CG Rosal, GM Momplaisir, EM Heithmar
Electrophoresis 26 (7‐8), 1606-1614, 2005
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric determination of trace elements in surface waters subject to acidic deposition
JM Henshaw, EM Heithmar, TA Hinners
Analytical Chemistry 61 (4), 335-342, 1989
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric determination of lead isotopes
TA Hinners, EM Heithmar, TM Spittler, JM Henshaw
Analytical Chemistry 59 (22), 2658-2662, 1987
Microscale flow injection and microbore high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry via a high-efficiency nebulizer
SA Pergantis, EM Heithmar, TA Hinners
Analytical Chemistry 67 (24), 4530-4535, 1995
Detection and quantification of silver nanoparticles at environmentally relevant concentrations using asymmetric flow field–flow fractionation online with single particle …
KA Huynh, E Siska, E Heithmar, S Tadjiki, SA Pergantis
Analytical chemistry 88 (9), 4909-4916, 2016
Determination of metals in solid samples by complexation—supercritical fluid extraction and gas chromatography—atomic emission detection
Y Liu, V Lopez-Avila, M Alcaraz, WF Beckert, EM Heithmar
Journal of chromatographic science 31 (8), 310-316, 1993
Tubular electrode torch for capacitatively coupled helium microwave plasma as a spectrochemical excitation source
BM Patel, E Heithmar, JD Winefordner
Analytical Chemistry 59 (19), 2374-2377, 1987
Investigation of arsine-generating reactions using deuterium-labeled reagents and mass spectrometry
SA Pergantis, W Winnik, EM Heithmar, WR Cullen
Talanta 44 (11), 1941-1947, 1997
Temporal patterns and sources of atmospherically deposited pesticides in alpine lakes of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA
DF Bradford, EM Heithmar, NG Tallent-Halsell, GM Momplaisir, CG Rosal, ...
Environmental science & technology 44 (12), 4609-4614, 2010
A semi-automated colorimetric method for the determination of monomeric aluminum species in natural waters by flow injection analysis
JM Henshaw, TE Lewis, EM Heithmar
International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 34 (2), 119-135, 1988
Development of a solid phase extraction method for agricultural pesticides in large-volume water samples
GM Momplaisir, CG Rosal, EM Heithmar, KE Varner, LA Riddick, ...
Talanta 81 (4-5), 1380-1386, 2010
Characterizing concentrations and size distributions of metal-containing nanoparticles in waste water
EM Heithmar, SA Pergantis
US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development …, 2010
Arsenic speciation methods for studying the environmental fate of organoarsenic animal-feed additives
GM Momplaisir, CG Rosal, EM Heithmar
US EPA, NERL-Las Vegas, 01-11, 2001
The evaluation and comparison of ion chromatography, segmented flow analysis and flow injection analysis for the determination on nitrate in natural surface waters
EM Burke, FX Suarez, DC Hillman, EM Heithmar
Water Research 23 (4), 519-521, 1989
Environmental applications of hyphenated quadrupole techniques
DF Gurka, LD Betowski, TA Hinners, EM Heithmar, R Titus, JM Henshaw
Analytical Chemistry 60 (7), 454A-467A, 1988
Apparent monomeric aluminum concentrations in the presence of humic and fulvic acid and other ligands: an intermethod comparison study
TE Lewis, DE Dobb, JM Henshaw, SJ Simon, EM Heithmar
International journal of environmental analytical chemistry 34 (1), 69-87, 1988
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Articles 1–20