Multivariate analysis K Mardia, J Kent, J Bibby Academic press, 1979 | 12534* | 1979 |
Measures of multivariate skewness and kurtosis with applications KV Mardia Biometrika 57 (3), 519-530, 1970 | 6512 | 1970 |
Statistical shape analysis: with applications in R IL Dryden, KV Mardia John Wiley & Sons, 2016 | 6001 | 2016 |
Directional statistics KV Mardia, PE Jupp John Wiley & Sons, 2009 | 5940 | 2009 |
Statitstics of Directional Data MARDIA ACADEMIC PRESS, 1970 | 5687* | 1970 |
Statistics of directional data:Journal of the Royal Statistical Society KV Mardia Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 349-393, 1975 | 5686 | 1975 |
Statistics of Directional Data:Probability and Mathematical Statistics KV Mardia | 5686* | 1972 |
Applications of some measures of multivariate skewness and kurtosis in testing normality and robustness studies KV Mardia Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, 115-128, 1974 | 1520 | 1974 |
Maximum likelihood estimation of models for residual covariance in spatial regression KV Mardia, RJ Marshall Biometrika 71 (1), 135-146, 1984 | 1160 | 1984 |
Families of bivariate distributions KV Mardia (No Title), 1970 | 652 | 1970 |
Matching of palmprints N Duta, AK Jain, KV Mardia Pattern Recognition Letters 23 (4), 477-485, 2002 | 514 | 2002 |
Statistical assessment of bilateral symmetry of shapes KV Mardia, FL Bookstein, IJ Moreton Biometrika, 285-300, 2000 | 473 | 2000 |
A review of image-warping methods CA Glasbey, KV Mardia Journal of applied statistics 25 (2), 155-171, 1998 | 472 | 1998 |
9 Tests of unvariate and multivariate normality KV Mardia Handbook of statistics 1, 279-320, 1980 | 455 | 1980 |
The effect of nonnormality on some multivariate tests and robustness to nonnormality in the linear model KV Mardia Biometrika 58 (1), 105-121, 1971 | 402 | 1971 |
M ardia's Test of Multinormality KV Mardia Encyclopedia of statistical sciences, 2004 | 388 | 2004 |
Multi-dimensional multivariate Gaussian Markov random fields with application to image processing KV Mardia Journal of Multivariate Analysis 24 (2), 265-284, 1988 | 368 | 1988 |
A spatial thresholding method for image segmentation KV Mardia, TJ Hainsworth IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 10 (6), 919-927, 1988 | 348 | 1988 |
The kriged Kalman filter KV Mardia, C Goodall, EJ Redfern, FJ Alonso Test 7, 217-282, 1998 | 332 | 1998 |
The von Mises–Fisher matrix distribution in orientation statistics CG Khatri, KV Mardia Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 1977 | 323 | 1977 |