Nishanth Sastry
Cited by
Cited by
Network slicing to enable scalability and flexibility in 5G mobile networks
P Rost, C Mannweiler, DS Michalopoulos, C Sartori, V Sciancalepore, ...
IEEE Communications magazine 55 (5), 72-79, 2017
A survey of mobility in information-centric networks: Challenges and research directions
G Tyson, N Sastry, I Rimac, R Cuevas, A Mauthe
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Emerging Name-Oriented Mobile …, 2012
A survey of mobility in information-centric networks
G Tyson, N Sastry, R Cuevas, I Rimac, A Mauthe
Communications of the ACM 56 (12), 90-98, 2013
Challenges in the decentralised web: The mastodon case
A Raman, S Joglekar, ED Cristofaro, N Sastry, G Tyson
Proceedings of the internet measurement conference, 217-229, 2019
An expert annotated dataset for the detection of online misogyny
E Guest, B Vidgen, A Mittos, N Sastry, G Tyson, H Margetts
Proceedings of the 16th conference of the European chapter of the …, 2021
Survey on peer-assisted content delivery networks
N Anjum, D Karamshuk, M Shikh-Bahaei, N Sastry
Computer Networks 116, 79-95, 2017
The Data on Diversity: It's not just about being fair
B Nelson
The Data on Diversity: It's not just about being fair
B Nelson
Computer method and apparatus for graphical inquiry specification with progressive summary
SI Ross, NR Sastry, DM Gruen, SC Hupfer, JF Patterson, JE Christensen, ...
US Patent 7,877,367, 2011
A browser-side view of starlink connectivity
MM Kassem, A Raman, D Perino, N Sastry
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 151-158, 2022
Characterising third party cookie usage in the EU after GDPR
X Hu, N Sastry
Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, 137-141, 2019
Sharing the Loves: Understanding the How and Why of Online Content Curation
C Zhong, S Shah, K Sundaravadivelan, N Sastry
Proceedings of the international conference on weblogs and social media (ICWSM), 2013
Advanced discussion thread management using a tag-based categorization system
NR Sastry, A Kordun
US Patent 7,962,555, 2011
Architecting Citywide Ubiquitous Wi-Fi Access.
N Sastry, J Crowcroft, KR Sollins
HotNets, 2007
The magazine archive includes every article published in Communications of the ACM for over the past 50 years.
PJ Denning
Communications of the ACM 60 (1), 54-65, 2017
Individual preference probability modeling and parameterization for video content in wireless caching networks
MC Lee, AF Molisch, N Sastry, A Raman
Ieee/acm transactions on networking 27 (2), 676-690, 2019
Social bootstrapping: how pinterest and last. fm social communities benefit by borrowing links from facebook
C Zhong, M Salehi, S Shah, M Cobzarenco, N Sastry, M Cha
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web, 305-314, 2014
Iarank: Ranking users on twitter in near real-time, based on their information amplification potential
R Cappelletti, N Sastry
2012 international conference on social informatics, 70-77, 2012
Facebook (A)Live? Are Live Social Broadcasts Really Broadcasts?
A Raman, G Tyson, N Sastry
Proceedings of the 2018 world wide web conference, 1491-1500, 2018
Bridging big data and qualitative methods in the social sciences: A case study of Twitter responses to high profile deaths by suicide
D Karamshuk, F Shaw, J Brownlie, N Sastry
Online Social Networks and Media 1, 33-43, 2017
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Articles 1–20