Poong Oh
Cited by
Cited by
Network theory and models
P Oh, P Monge
The international encyclopedia of communication theory and philosophy, 1-15, 2016
The role of online media in mobilizing large-scale collective action
Z Chen, P Oh, A Chen
Social Media+ Society 7 (3), 20563051211033808, 2021
An exploration of motivations for two screen viewing, social interaction behaviors, and factors that influence viewing intentions
H Shim, P Oh, H Song, Y Lee
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 18 (3), 158-164, 2015
Into the wolves’ den: an investigation of predictors of sexism in online games
Y Seo, P Oh, WY Kil
Behaviour & Information Technology 41 (8), 1740-1754, 2022
Operational risk identification of maritime surface autonomous ship: A network analysis approach
X Li, P Oh, Y Zhou, KF Yuen
Transport policy 130, 1-14, 2023
The value of questions in organizing: Reconceptualizing contributions to online public information goods
L Bighash, P Oh, J Fulk, P Monge
Communication theory 28 (1), 1-21, 2018
Evolution of what? A network approach for the detection of evolutionary forces
M Hilbert, P Oh, P Monge
Social Networks 47, 38-46, 2016
Are automated accounts driving scholarly communication on Twitter? a case study of dissemination of COVID-19 publications
YE Ye, JC Na, P Oh
Scientometrics 127 (5), 2151-2172, 2022
The functionality of social tagging as a communication system
P Oh, P Monge
International Journal of Communication 7, 28, 2013
Myopic reallocation of extraction improves collective outcomes in networked common-pool resource games
A Schauf, P Oh
Scientific reports 11 (1), 886, 2021
사회자본 형성의 토대로서의 텔레비전 프로그램: 프로그램 사회자본지수 (SCI) 의 개발: 프로그램 사회자본지수 (SCI) 의 개발
오풍, 윤영철
한국언론학보 50 (6), 333-361, 2006
Algorithmic gender bias: investigating perceptions of discrimination in automated decision-making
S Kim, P Oh, J Lee
Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-14, 2024
An evolutionary model of the emergence of meanings
P Oh, S Kim
Communication Methods and Measures 15 (4), 255-272, 2021
Questioning Artificial Intelligence: How Racial Identity Shapes the Perceptions of Algorithmic Bias.
S Kim, J Lee, P Oh
International journal of communication (Online) 18, 677-700, 2024
The functional aspects of selective exposure for collective decision-making under social influence
P Oh, JW Peh, A Schauf
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 6412, 2024
Evolutionary theory and models
P Monge, P Oh
The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, 1-11, 2016
A machine-learning approach to assessing public trust in AI-powered technologies
P Oh, Y Jung
Research Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Communication, 193-213, 2023
Conceptualizing online content from a game-theoretic and relational perspective
XB Lin, P Oh
International Journal of Communication 17, 21-21, 2023
Judgment making with conflicting information in social media: The second-order judgment problems
M Park, P Oh
Social Computing and Social Media: 8th International Conference, SCSM 2016 …, 2016
Press-Party Parallelism Regarding'Openness of Agriculture'During Three Political Regimes (1993-2008) in South Korea
S Nah, P Oh, Y Yoon
Asian Communication Research 12 (1), 5-36, 2015
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Articles 1–20