Juan Xi
Juan Xi
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Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are associated with an increased risk of secondary vertebral compression fractures: a population-based cohort study
AS Mudano, J Bian, JU Cope, JR Curtis, TP Gross, JJ Allison, Y Kim, ...
Osteoporosis international 20, 819-826, 2009
Anticipation of migration and psychological stress and the Three Gorges Dam project, China
SS Hwang, J Xi, Y Cao, X Feng, X Qiao
Social Science & Medicine 65 (5), 1012-1024, 2007
Identification and validation of vertebral compression fractures using administrative claims data
JR Curtis, AS Mudano, DH Solomon, J Xi, ME Melton, KG Saag
Medical care 47 (1), 69-72, 2009
Attitudes toward aging, social support and depression among older adults: Difference by urban and rural areas in China
D Liu, J Xi, BJ Hall, M Fu, B Zhang, J Guo, XL Feng
Journal of Affective Disorders 274, 85-92, 2020
Improving the prediction of medication compliance: the example of bisphosphonates for osteoporosis
JR Curtis, J Xi, AO Westfall, H Cheng, K Lyles, KG Saag, E Delzell
Medical care 47 (3), 334-341, 2009
Drug-specific and time-dependent risks of bacterial infection among patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were exposed to tumor necrosis factor α antagonists
JR Curtis, J Xi, N Patkar, A Xie, KG Saag
Arthritis and rheumatism 56 (12), 4226, 2007
Project-induced displacement, secondary stressors, and health
Y Cao, SS Hwang, J Xi
Social science & medicine 74 (7), 1130-1138, 2012
Gender differences in purpose in life: The mediation effect of altruism
J Xi, MT Lee, JR Carter, D Delgado
Journal of Humanistic Psychology 62 (3), 352-376, 2022
The short-term impact of involuntary migration in China’s Three Gorges: A prospective study
SS Hwang, Y Cao, J Xi
Social Indicators Research 101, 73-92, 2011
Relocation stress, coping, and sense of control among resettlers resulting from China’s Three Gorges Dam Project
J Xi, SS Hwang
Social indicators research 104, 507-522, 2011
Altruism and existential well-being
J Xi, M Lee, W LeSuer, P Barr, K Newton, M Poloma
Applied Research in Quality of Life 12, 67-88, 2017
The conditional relationship between English language proficiency and earnings among US immigrants
SS Hwang, J Xi, Y Cao
Ethnic and Racial Studies 33 (9), 1620-1647, 2010
A multi-level analysis showing associations between school neighborhood and child body mass index
JA Wasserman, R Suminski, J Xi, C Mayfield, A Glaros, R Magie
International journal of obesity 38 (7), 912-918, 2014
Project-induced migration and depression: a panel analysis
SS Hwang, Y Cao, J Xi
Social Science & Medicine 70 (11), 1765-1772, 2010
Structural and individual covariates of English language proficiency
SS Hwang, J Xi
Social Forces 86 (3), 1079-1104, 2008
Unmet expectations and symptoms of depression among the Three Gorges Project resettlers
J Xi, SS Hwang
Social science research 40 (1), 245-256, 2011
Inner peace as a contribution to human flourishing
J Xi, MT Lee
Measuring well-being: Interdisciplinary perspectives from the social …, 2021
Experiencing a Forced Relocation at Different Life Stages
J Xi, SS Hwang, P Drentea
Society and Mental Health, 2012
Types of integration and depressive symptoms: A latent class analysis on the resettled population for the Three Gorges dam project, China
J Xi
Social Science & Medicine 157, 78-86, 2016
The association between ethnic identity and non-medical prescription drug use among a sample of college students: Does a sense of ethnic belonging matter?
J Carter, RL Peralta, J Xi
Substance Use & Misuse 54 (2), 203-213, 2019
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