Tamas Krebesz
Tamas Krebesz
Univ. Lecturer; Dept. of Meas. and Inf. Systems; Budapest Univ of Tech. and Economics
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Cited by
Theory and application of software defined electronics: Design concepts for the next generation of telecommunications and measurement systems
G Kolumbán, TI Krébesz, FCM Lau
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 12 (2), 8-34, 2012
UWB radio: A real chance for application of chaotic communications
G Kolumban, T Krébesz
Proc. NOLTA’06, 11-14, 2006
Use of UWB impulse radio technology in in-car communications: Power limits and optimization
TI Krébesz, G Kolumbán, KT Chi, FCM Lau, H Dong
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (7), 6037-6049, 2017
Basics of communications using chaos
G Kolumbán, T Krébesz, KT Chi, FCM Lau
Chaotic Signals in Digital Communications, 104-142, 2018
Chaotic communications with autocorrelation receiver: Modeling, theory and performance limits
G Kolumbán, T Krébesz
Intelligent Computing Based on Chaos, 121-143, 2009
Feasibility of UWB radio: Impulse radio versus chaos-based approach
G Kolumbán, T Krébesz, FCM Lau
Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems …, 2010
Improving the noise performance of energy detector based UWB systems by optimizing the receiver parameters
T Krébesz, G Kolumbán, KT Chi, FCM Lau
2009 9th International Symposium on Communications and Information …, 2009
Chaotic Communications with Autocorrelation Receiver: Modeling, Theory and Performance Limits. Intelligent Computing Based on Chaos, 2009, SCI 184
G Kolumbán, T Krébesz
doi 10, 978-3, 0
Application of universal software defined PXI platform for the performance evaluation of FM-DCSK communications system
T Krébesz, G Kolumbán, FCM Lau, KT Chi
2013 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), 1-4, 2013
UWB radio: Digital communication with chaotic and impulse wavelets
G Kolumban, T Krebesz
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and …, 2007
LR-WPAN and UWB data communication systems: A new possible application for chaotic carriers
G Kolumbán, T Krebesz
IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and Applications (NOMA’07), 2007
Implementation of FM-DCSK modulation scheme on USRP platform based on complex envelope
T Krébesz, G Kolumbán, KT Chi, FCM Lau
IEICE Proceedings Series 1 (797), 797-800, 2012
Ultra-wideband impulse radio based on pulse compression technique
T Krébesz, G Kolumbán, CM Józsa
2011 20th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), 797-800, 2011
Performance improvement of autocorrelation detector used in UWB impulse radio
T Krébesz, G Kolumbán, KT Chi, FCM Lau
Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems …, 2010
Derivation of circuit specification for the UWB impulse radio transceivers
G Kolumbán, T Krébesz, KT Chi, FCM Lau
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 337-340, 2010
Performance improvement of UWB autocorrelation receivers by minimizing the energy capture time
T Krébesz, G Kolumbán, FCM Lau, KT Chi
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems …, 2009
Non-coherent UWB impulse radio and FM-DCSK: What makes them different
G Kolumbán, T Krébesz, M Bálint
Proc. NDES’06, 93-96, 2006
New carrier generation techniques and their influence on bit energy in UWB radio
T Krébesz, CM Józsa, G Kolumbán
2011 20th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), 801-804, 2011
Turn your baseband Matlab simulator into a fully functional, 2.4-GHz, operating FM-DCSK transceiver using SDE platform
G Kolumbán, T Krébesz, KT Chi, FCM Lau
2013 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), 1-4, 2013
Improving the coverage of ultra wideband impulse radio by pulse compression
G Kolumbán, T Krébesz, KT Chi, FCM Lau
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1939-1942, 2012
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Articles 1–20