Jessica Bulthé
Jessica Bulthé
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Intact but less accessible phonetic representations in adults with dyslexia
B Boets, HP Op de Beeck, M Vandermosten, SK Scott, CR Gillebert, ...
Science 342 (6163), 1251-1254, 2013
Format-dependent representations of symbolic and non-symbolic numbers in the human cortex as revealed by multi-voxel pattern analyses
J Bulthé, B De Smedt, HP Op de Beeck
NeuroImage 87, 311-322, 2014
Dyscalculia and dyslexia: Different behavioral, yet similar brain activity profiles during arithmetic
L Peters, J Bulthé, N Daniels, HO de Beeck, B De Smedt
NeuroImage: Clinical 18, 663-674, 2018
Visual number beats abstract numerical magnitude: Format-dependent representation of arabic digits and dot patterns in human parietal cortex
J Bulthé, B De Smedt, HP Op de Beeck
Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2015
Multi-method brain imaging reveals impaired representations of number as well as altered connectivity in adults with dyscalculia
J Bulthé, J Prinsen, J Vanderauwera, S Duyck, N Daniels, CR Gillebert, ...
NeuroImage 190, 289-302, 2019
Visual and Haptic Shape Processing in the Human Brain: Unisensory Processing, Multisensory Convergence, and Top-Down Influences.
HL Masson, J Bulthé, HPO De Beeck, C Wallraven
Cerebral Cortex 26 (8), 2016
Visual and haptic shape processing in the human brain: unisensory processing, multisensory convergence, and top-down influences
H Lee Masson, J Bulthé, HP Op de Beeck, C Wallraven
Cerebral Cortex 26 (8), 3402-3412, 2016
Op de Beeck, HP, & De Smedt, B.(2019). Multi-method brain imaging reveals impaired representations of number as well as altered connectivity in adults with dyscalculia
J Bulthé, J Prinsen, J Vanderauwera, S Duyck, N Daniels, CR Gillebert, ...
NeuroImage 190, 289-302, 2018
Domain-general and domain-specific neural changes underlying visual expertise
F Martens, J Bulthé, C van Vliet, HO de Beeck
Neuroimage 169, 80-93, 2018
How learning might strengthen existing visual object representations in human object-selective cortex
M Brants, J Bulthé, N Daniels, J Wagemans, HPO de Beeck
Neuroimage 127, 74-85, 2016
Neural representations behind ‘social norm’inferences in humans
F Pegado, MHA Hendriks, S Amelynck, N Daniels, J Bulthé, HL Masson, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12943, 2018
Arithmetic skills correlate negatively with the overlap of symbolic and non-symbolic number representations in the brain
J Bulthé, B De Smedt, H Op de Beeck
Cortex 101, 306-308, 2018
A validation of a multi-spatialscale method for multivariate pattern analysis
J Bulthé, J van den Hurk, N Daniels, B De Smedt, HPO de Beeck
2014 international workshop on pattern recognition in neuroimaging, 1-4, 2014
A multitude of neural representations behind multisensory “social norm” processing
F Pegado, MHA Hendriks, S Amelynck, N Daniels, J Bulthé, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12, 153, 2018
Multi-method brain imaging reveals impaired representations as well as altered connectivity in adults with dyscalculia
J Bulthé, J Prinsen, J Vanderauwera, S Duyck, N Daniels, CR Gillebert, ...
bioRxiv, 162115, 2017
Decline of the McCollough effect by orientation-specific post-adaptation exposure to achromatic gratings
J Bulthé, HPO de Beeck
Vision Research 55, 52-56, 2012
Neural representations of facial identity and emotional expressions in young adults with and without autism spectrum disorders
M Hendriks, C Dillen, N Daniels, J Bulthé, F Fernandes Pegado, ...
INSAR Annual Meeting, Date: 2018/05/09-2018/05/12, Location: Rotterdam, The …, 2018
Arithmetic in children with dyslexia, dyscalculia and comorbid dyslexia/dyscalculia: Different behavioral, yet similar brain activity profiles
L Peters, J Bulthé, H Op de Beeck, B De Smedt
SIG15 Special Educational Needs, Date: 2016/08/29-2016/08/30, Location …, 2016
Neural representations of numbers in the human cortex
J Bulthé, B De Smedt, H Op De Beeck
Conference Abstract: Belgian Brain Council. doi: 10.3389/conf. fnhum 88, 2012
Neural Representations of Facial Identity and Expressions in Young Adults With and Without ASD: An fMRI Study
M Hendriks, C Dillen, S Vettori, N Daniels, J Bulthe, F Pegado, J Steyaert, ...
Perception 48, 45-45, 2019
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