Abbas Toloie Eshlaghy
Abbas Toloie Eshlaghy
Full Professor : Faculty of Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University
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Cited by
Using three machine learning techniques for predicting breast cancer recurrence
LG Ahmad, AT Eshlaghy, A Poorebrahimi, M Ebrahimi, AR Razavi
J Health Med Inform 4 (124), 3, 2013
A classification of qualitative research methods
A Toloie-Eshlaghy, S Chitsaz, L Karimian, R Charkhchi
Research Journal of International Studies 20 (20), 106-123, 2011
MCDM methodologies and applications: a literature review from 1999 to 2009
A Toloie-Eshlaghy, M Homayonfar
Research Journal of International Studies 21, 86-137, 2011
Learning orientation, innovation and performance: evidence from small-sized business firms in Iran
AT Eshlaghy, A Maatofi, G Branch
European Journal of Social Sciences 19 (1), 114-122, 2011
Applying path analysis method in defining effective factors in organisation agility
AT Eshlaghy, AN Mashayekhi, A Rajabzadeh, MM Razavian
International Journal of Production Research 48 (6), 1765-1786, 2010
A comprehensive review on meta-heuristic algorithms and their classification with novel approach
H Rajabi Moshtaghi, A Toloie Eshlaghy, MR Motadel
Journal of Applied Research on Industrial Engineering 8 (1), 63-89, 2021
Study on feasibility and acceptance of implementation of Technology Acceptance Model of Davis in staff of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
M Esmaeili, AT Eshlaghi, AP Ebrahimi, R Esmaieli
Pajoohandeh Journal 18 (1), 40-45, 2013
A subjective weighting method based on group decision making for ranking and measuring criteria values
A Toloie-Eshlaghy, M Homayonfar, M Aghaziarati, P Arbabiun
Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci 5 (12), 2034-2040, 2011
Common weights in dynamic network DEA with goal programming approach for performance assessment of insurance companies in Iran
D Gharakhani, A Toloie Eshlaghy, K Fathi Hafshejani, R Kiani Mavi, ...
Management Research Review 41 (8), 920-938, 2018
Sustainability assessment of supply chains by inverse network dynamic data envelopment analysis
M Kalantary, R Farzipoor Saen, A Toloie Eshlaghy
Scientia Iranica 25 (6), 3723-3743, 2018
The Effects of age, gender, education level and work experience of accountant on ethical decision making by using fuzzy logic
H Nikoomaram, FR Roodposhti, AT Ashlaghi, FH Lotfi, Y Taghipourian
International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences 4 (6), 1559-1571, 2013
A study on effects of leadership style on innovation: A case study from automaker industry
J Abdolmaleki, M Ashloublagh, M Shahrabi, A Ashlaghi, S Safdari
Management Science Letters 3 (7), 1977-1982, 2013
Measuring the importance and the weight of decision makers in the criteria weighting activities of group decision making process
A Toloie-Eshlaghy, E Nazari Farokhi
American Journal of scientific research 24 (24), 6-12, 2011
Supplier selection by Neo-TOPSIS
AT Eshlaghy, M Kalantary
applied mathematical sciences 5 (17), 837-844, 2011
A new two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) model for evaluating the branch performance of banks
FH Lotfi, AT Eshlaghy, H Saleh, H Nikoomaram, SM Seyedhoseini
African Journal of Business Management 6 (24), 7230, 2012
An investigation and ranking public and private islamic banks using dimension of service quality (SERVQUAL) based on TOPSIS fuzzy technique
A Toloie-Eshlaghy, S Ghafelehbashi, M Alaghebandha
Applied Mathematical Sciences 5 (61), 3031-3049, 2011
Assessment of supply chain agility in the automotive industry of Tehran
M Motadel, A Toloie-Eshlaghy, D Halvachi-Zadeh
European Journal of Scientific Research 61 (2), 210-229, 2011
A hybrid grey-based k-means and genetic algorithm for project selection
AT Eshlaghy, FF Razi
International Journal of Business Information Systems 18 (2), 141-159, 2015
The role of enterprise resources planning (ERP) in the contribution and integration of the information in the supply chain
A Toloie-Eshlaghi, A Asadollahi, A Poorebrahimi
European Journal of Social Science 20 (1), 16-27, 2011
Identifying and prioritizing critical success factors (CSFs) in practicing knowledge management in small and medium firms using decision making techniques
A Toloie-Eshlaghy, A Akbari-Yusefvand
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences 40 (1 …, 2011
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Articles 1–20