Ionescu Luminita
Cited by
Cited by
Neuromanagement decision-making and cognitive algorithmic processes in the technological adoption of mobile commerce apps
M Andronie, G Lăzăroiu, R Ștefănescu, L Ionescu, M Cocoșatu
Oeconomia Copernicana 12 (4), 1033-1062, 2021
Environmentally responsible behavior and sustainability policy adoption in green public procurement
G Lăzăroiu, L Ionescu, C Uță, I Hurloiu, M Andronie, I Dijmărescu
Sustainability 12 (5), 2110, 2020
Sustainability management and performance in the urban corporate economy: a systematic literature review
G Lăzăroiu, L Ionescu, M Andronie, I Dijmărescu
Sustainability 12 (18), 7705, 2020
Big data, blockchain, and artificial intelligence in cloud-based accounting information systems
L Ionescu
Analysis and Metaphysics, 44-49, 2019
Transitioning to a low-carbon economy: Green financial behavior, climate change mitigation, and environmental energy sustainability
L Ionescu
Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 13 (1), 86-96, 2021
Leveraging green finance for low-carbon energy, sustainable economic development, and climate change mitigation during the COVID-19 pandemic
L Ionescu
Review of Contemporary Philosophy, 175-186, 2021
The impact that e-government can have on reducing corruption and enhancing transparency
L Ionescu
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 8 (2), 210-215, 2013
Corporate environmental performance, climate change mitigation, and green innovation behavior in sustainable finance
L Ionescu
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 16 (3), 94-106, 2021
The role of e-government in curbing the corruption in public administration
L Ionescu
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 10 (1), 48-53, 2015
The adverse effects of corruption on growth and development
L Ionescu
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 9 (4), 125-130, 2014
Digital data aggregation, analysis, and infrastructures in fintech operations
L Ionescu
Review of Contemporary Philosophy, 92-98, 2020
The economics of the carbon tax: Environmental performance, sustainable energy, and green financial behavior
L Ionescu
Geopolitics, History, and International Relations 12 (1), 101-107, 2020
E-government and social media as effective tools in controlling corruption in public administration
L Ionescu
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 11 (1), 66-72, 2016
Fraud, corruption and cyber crime in a global digital network
L Ionescu, V Mirea, A Blajan
Economics, Management and Financial Markets 6 (2), 373, 2011
The role of government auditing in curbing corruption
L Ionescu
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 9 (3), 122-127, 2014
The positive effect of ICT infrastructure in reducing corruption and increasing transparency
L Ionescu
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 8 (2), 167-172, 2013
The economics of corruption in professional sport
L Ionescu
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 10 (2), 109-114, 2015
Controlul calităţii īn industria panificaţiei: metode de analiză
D Bordei, G Bahrim, V Pāslaru
Academica, 2007
Robotic process automation, deep learning, and natural language processing in algorithmic data-driven accounting information systems
L Ionescu
Analysis and Metaphysics, 59-65, 2020
A theory of the availability and level of consumer protection in online and mobile payments for public economic services
L Ionescu, G Lăzăroiu, S Şerban
Amfiteatru Economic Journal 15 (34), 369-384, 2013
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Articles 1–20