Wilson Wong 黃偉豪
Wilson Wong 黃偉豪
其他名字CASBS Fellow
The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Stanford University
在 cuhk.edu.hk 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
Does e‐government promote accountability? A comparative analysis of website openness and government accountability
W Wong, E Welch
Governance 17 (2), 275-297, 2004
Public administration in a global context: Bridging the gaps of theory and practice between Western and non-Western nations
E Welch, W Wong
Public Administration Review 58 (1), 40-49, 1998
Global information technology pressure and government accountability: the mediating effect of domestic context on website openness
EW Welch, W Wong
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 11 (4), 509-538, 2001
Web service clustering using text mining techniques
W Liu, W Wong
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 3 (1), 6-26, 2009
Effective regulations with little effect? The antecedents of the perceptions of environmental officials on enforcement effectiveness in China
CWH Lo, GE Fryxell, WWH Wong
Environmental Management 38, 388-410, 2006
What drives global e-governance? An exploratory study at a macro level
MJ Moon, EW Welch, W Wong
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
Market-based reforms in government: Toward a social subcontract?
LA Blanchard, CC Hinnant, W Wong
Administration & Society 30 (5), 483-512, 1998
Effects of global pressures on public bureaucracy: Modeling a new theoretical framework
EW Welch, W Wong
Administration & Society 33 (4), 371-402, 2001
The search for a model of public administration reform in Hong Kong: Weberian bureaucracy, new public management or something else?
W Wong
Public Administration and Development 33 (4), 297-310, 2013
Advocacy coalitions, policy stability, and policy change in China: The case of birth control policy, 1980–2015
W Li, W Wong
Policy Studies Journal 48 (3), 645-671, 2020
Mapping the contours of fairness: The impact of unfairness and leadership (in) action on job satisfaction, turnover intention and employer advocacy
L Otaye, W Wong
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 1 (2), 191-204, 2014
Contemporary Hong Kong government and politics
L Wai-man, PL Lui, W Wong
Hong Kong University Press, 2024
State or Civil Society–What Matters in Fighting COVID-19? A Comparative Analysis of Hong Kong and Singapore
W Wong, AM Wu
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 1-18, 2021
Digital governance as institutional adaptation and development
W Wong, M Chu
China Review 20 (3), 43-70, 2020
State censorship of the Internet in China
MG Martinsons, S Ng, W Wong, R Yuen
Communications of the ACM 48 (4), 67-67, 2005
The civil service
W Wong
Contemporary Hong Kong Politics: Governance in the Post-1997 Era. Hong Kong …, 2012
When the state fails, bureaucrats and civil society step up: analysing policy capacity with political nexus triads in the policy responses of Hong Kong to COVID-19
W Wong
Journal of Asian Public Policy 15 (2), 198-212, 2022
Digital adaptation circuitry and methods for programmable logic devices
W Wong, DPC Chan, S Shumarayev, S Maangat, TT Hoang, TH Lai, ...
US Patent 7,920,621, 2011
Contemporary Hong Kong politics: governance in the post-1997 era
WM Lam, PL Lui, I Holliday
Hong Kong University Press., 2007
Twenty years of Hong Kong and Macao under Chinese rule: being absorbed under ‘one country, two systems’
W Wong, H Xiao
Public Money & Management 38 (6), 411-418, 2018
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