Hang Qu
Hang Qu
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Cited by
Janus: A novel MAC protocol for full duplex radio
JY Kim, O Mashayekhi, H Qu, M Kazandjieva, P Levis
CSTR 2 (7), 23, 2013
Decoupling the control plane from program control flow for flexibility and performance in cloud computing
H Qu, O Mashayekhi, C Shah, P Levis
Proceedings of the Thirteenth EuroSys Conference, 1, 2018
Execution templates: caching control plane decisions for strong scaling of data analytics
O Mashayekhi, H Qu, C Shah, P Levis
2017 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC'17), 513-526, 2017
XINS: The anatomy of an indoor positioning and navigation architecture
Y Gao, Q Yang, G Li, EY Chang, D Wang, C Wang, H Qu, P Dong, ...
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Mobile location-based …, 2011
Inertial sensors aided image alignment and stitching for panorama on mobile phones
Q Yang, C Wang, Y Gao, H Qu, EY Chang
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Mobile location-based …, 2011
Automatically distributing eulerian and hybrid fluid simulations in the cloud
O Mashayekhi, C Shah, H Qu, A Lim, P Levis
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 37 (2), 2018
Distributing and load balancing sparse fluid simulations
C Shah, D Hyde, H Qu, P Levis
the 17th annual Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA 2018), 2018
Accelerating Distributed Graphical Fluid Simulations with Micro‐partitioning
H Qu, O Mashayekhi, C Shah, P Levis
Computer Graphics Forum 39 (1), 375-388, 2020
High Performance Cloud Computing
H Qu
Stanford University, 2018
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Articles 1–9