From the head and the heart: Locating cognition-and affect-based trust in managers' professional networks RYJ Chua, P Ingram, MW Morris Academy of Management journal 51 (3), 436-452, 2008 | 717 | 2008 |
Collaborating across cultures: Cultural metacognition and affect-based trust in creative collaboration RYJ Chua, MW Morris, S Mor Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 118 (2), 116-131, 2012 | 556 | 2012 |
Guanxi vs networking: Distinctive configurations of affect- and cognition-based trust in the networks of Chinese vs American managers RYJ Chua, MW Morris, P Ingram Journal of international business studies 40, 490-508, 2009 | 533 | 2009 |
The impact of culture on creativity: How cultural tightness and cultural distance affect global innovation crowdsourcing work RYJ Chua, J Roth, Yannig, Lemoine Administrative Science Quarterly. 60, 189-227, 2015 | 492 | 2015 |
The costs of ambient cultural disharmony: Indirect intercultural conflicts in social environment undermine creativity R Chua Academy of Management Journal 56 (6), 1545–1577, 2013 | 248 | 2013 |
Do I contribute more when I trust more? Differential effects of cognition-and affect-based trust KY Ng, RYJ Chua Management and Organization review 2 (1), 43-66, 2006 | 239 | 2006 |
Mapping cultural tightness and its links to innovation, urbanization, and happiness across 31 provinces in China RYJ Chua, K Huang, M Jin Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2019 | 223 | 2019 |
Effects of cultural ethnicity, firm size, and firm age on senior executives’ trust in their overseas business partners: Evidence from China CX Jiang, RYJ Chua, M Kotabe, JY Murray Journal of International Business Studies 42, 1150-1173, 2011 | 165 | 2011 |
Creativity as a matter of choice: Prior experience and task instruction as boundary conditions for the positive effect of choice on creativity RYJ Chua, SS Iyengar The Journal of Creative Behavior 42 (3), 164-180, 2008 | 156 | 2008 |
Empowerment through choice? A critical analysis of the effects of choice in organizations RYJ Chua, SS Iyengar Research in organizational behavior 27, 41-79, 2006 | 156 | 2006 |
Innovating at cultural crossroads: How multicultural social networks promote ideas flow and creativity. RYJ Chua Journal of Management 44 (3), 1119-1146, 2018 | 154 | 2018 |
Finding the right mix: How the composition of self‐managing multicultural teams' cultural value orientation influences performance over time CY Cheng, RYJ Chua, MW Morris, L Lee Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (3), 389-411, 2012 | 140 | 2012 |
Training and developing cultural intelligence JS Tan, RYJ Chua Cultural intelligence: Individual interactions across cultures, 258-303, 2003 | 100 | 2003 |
Not just how much you know: Interaction effect of cultural knowledge and metacognition on creativity in a global context RYJ Chua, K Ng Management and Organization Review 13 (2), 281-300, 2017 | 61 | 2017 |
Across the Great Divides: Gender Dynamics Influence How Intercultural Conflict Helps or Hurts Creative Collaboration RYJ Chua, M Jin Academy of Management Journal 63 (3), 903-934, 2020 | 56 | 2020 |
Embeddedness and new idea discussion in professional networks: The mediating role of affect‐based trust RYJ Chua, MW Morris, P Ingram The Journal of Creative Behavior 44 (2), 85-104, 2010 | 56 | 2010 |
Building effective business relationships in China RYJ Chua MIT Sloan Management Review, 2012 | 43 | 2012 |
Dynamics of trust in guanxi networks R Yong-Joo Chua, MW Morris National culture and groups, 95-113, 2006 | 38 | 2006 |
Perceiving freedom givers: Effects of granting decision latitude on personality and leadership perceptions RYJ Chua, SS Iyengar The Leadership Quarterly 22 (5), 863-880, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
Innovation communication in multicultural networks: Deficits in inter-cultural capability and affect-based trust as barriers to new idea sharing in inter-cultural relationships RYJ Chua, M Morris Harvard Business School Organizational Behavior Unit Working Paper, 2009 | 37 | 2009 |