Michael Schmidt
Michael Schmidt
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SP^ 2Bench: a SPARQL performance benchmark
M Schmidt, T Hornung, G Lausen, C Pinkel
2009 IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, 222-233, 2009
Fedx: Optimization techniques for federated query processing on linked data
A Schwarte, P Haase, K Hose, R Schenkel, M Schmidt
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2011: 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Bonn …, 2011
Foundations of SPARQL query optimization
M Schmidt, M Meier, G Lausen
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on database theory, 4-33, 2010
Fedbench: A benchmark suite for federated semantic data query processing
M Schmidt, O Görlitz, P Haase, G Ladwig, A Schwarte, T Tran
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2011: 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Bonn …, 2011
FedX: A federation layer for distributed query processing on linked open data
A Schwarte, P Haase, K Hose, R Schenkel, M Schmidt
The Semanic Web: Research and Applications: 8th Extended Semantic Web …, 2011
An experimental comparison of RDF data management approaches in a SPARQL benchmark scenario
M Schmidt, T Hornung, N Küchlin, G Lausen, C Pinkel
International Semantic Web Conference, 82-97, 2008
SPARQLing constraints for RDF
G Lausen, M Meier, M Schmidt
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Extending database …, 2008
Optique: Towards OBDA systems for industry
E Kharlamov, E Jiménez-Ruiz, D Zheleznyakov, D Bilidas, M Giese, ...
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2013 Satellite Events: ESWC 2013 Satellite Events …, 2013
On chase termination beyond stratification
M Meier, M Schmidt, G Lausen
arXiv preprint arXiv:0906.4228, 2009
The information workbench as a self-service platform for developing linked data applications
P Haase, C Hütter, M Schmidt, A Schwarte
WWW 2012 Developer Track, 18-20, 2012
Scalable end-user access to big data
M Giese, D Calvanese, P Haase, I Horrocks, Y Ioannidis, H Kllapi, ...
Rajendra Akerkar: Big Data Computing. Florida: Chapman and Hall/CRC. To appear, 2013
Pg-keys: Keys for property graphs
R Angles, A Bonifati, S Dumbrava, G Fletcher, KW Hare, J Hidders, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data, 2423 …, 2021
GovWILD: integrating open government data for transparency
C Böhm, M Freitag, A Heise, C Lehmann, A Mascher, F Naumann, ...
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web, 321-324, 2012
PG-Schema: Schemas for property graphs
R Angles, A Bonifati, S Dumbrava, G Fletcher, A Green, J Hidders, B Li, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data 1 (2), 1-25, 2023
Combined static and dynamic analysis for effective buffer minimization in streaming XQuery evaluation
M Schmidt, S Scherzinger, C Koch
2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, 236-245, 2006
Optique: OBDA solution for big data
D Calvanese, M Giese, P Haase, I Horrocks, T Hubauer, Y Ioannidis, ...
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2013 Satellite Events: ESWC 2013 Satellite Events …, 2013
Optique 1.0: semantic access to big data: the case of Norwegian petroleum directorate's factpages
E Kharlamov, M Giese, E Jiménez-Ruiz, MG Skjæveland, A Soylu, ...
Proceedings of the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (Posters …, 2013
Editing R2RML mappings made easy
K Sengupta, P Haase, M Schmidt, P Hitzler
Semantic technologies for enterprise cloud management
P Haase, T Mathäß, M Schmidt, A Eberhart, U Walther
International Semantic Web Conference, 98-113, 2010
Semantic query optimization in the presence of types
M Meier, M Schmidt, F Wei, G Lausen
Proceedings of the twenty-ninth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on …, 2010
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Articles 1–20