Parth Mehta
Parth Mehta
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Cited by
FIRE 2019 AILA track: Artificial intelligence for legal assistance
P Bhattacharya, K Ghosh, S Ghosh, A Pal, P Mehta, A Bhattacharya, ...
Proceedings of the 11th Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, 4-6, 2019
From extractive to abstractive summarization: a journey
P Mehta, P Majumder
Springer, 2019
Effective aggregation of various summarization techniques
P Mehta, P Majumder
Information Processing & Management 54 (2), 145-158, 2018
Author Masking through Translation—Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2016
Y Keswani, H Trivedi, P Mehta, P Majumder
CLEF 2016 Evaluation Labs and Workshop–Working Notes Papers, 5-8, 2016
LawSum: A weakly supervised approach for Indian Legal Document Summarization
V Parikh, V Mathur, P Mehta, N Mittal, P Majumder
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.01188, 2021
AILA 2021: Shared task on Artificial Intelligence for Legal Assistance
V Parikh, U Bhattacharya, P Mehta, A Bandyopadhyay, P Bhattacharya, ...
Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, 12-15, 2021
Fire 2022 ilsum track: Indian language summarization
S Satapara, B Modha, S Modha, P Mehta
Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Forum for Information …, 2022
Findings of the First Shared Task on Indian Language Summarization (ILSUM): Approaches Challenges and the Path Ahead.
S Satapara, B Modha, S Modha, P Mehta
FIRE (Working Notes), 369-382, 2022
Large scale quantitative analysis of three Indo-Aryan languages
P Mehta, P Majumder
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 23 (1), 109-132, 2016
Attention based sentence extraction from scientific articles using pseudo-labeled data
P Mehta, G Arora, P Majumder
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.04675, 2018
Overview of the Third Shared Task on Artificial Intelligence for Legal Assistance at FIRE 2021
V Parikh, U Bhattacharya, P Mehta, A Bandyopadhyay, P Bhattacharya, ...
FIRE (Working Notes), 517-526, 2021
Report on the FIRE 2020 evaluation initiative
P Mehta, T Mandl, P Majumder, S Gangopadhyay
ACM SIGIR Forum 55 (1), 1-11, 2021
Key Takeaways from the Second Shared Task on Indian Language Summarization (ILSUM 2023)
S Satapara, P Mehta, S Modha, D Ganguly
Working Notes of FIRE 2023, 724-733, 2023
Indian language summarization at fire 2023
S Satapara, P Mehta, S Modha, D Ganguly
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Forum for Information …, 2023
Content based weighted consensus summarization
P Mehta, P Majumder
Advances in Information Retrieval: 40th European Conference on IR Research …, 2018
Optimum parameter selection for KLD based authorship attribution in gujarati
P Mehta, P Majumder
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2013
Fighting Fire with Fire: Adversarial Prompting to Generate a Misinformation Detection Dataset
S Satapara, P Mehta, D Ganguly, S Modha
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.04481, 2024
Improving sentence extraction through rank aggregation
P Mehta, P Majumder, P Mehta, P Majumder
From Extractive to Abstractive Summarization: A Journey, 49-68, 2019
Non-destructive quality evaluation of chocolate chip cookies
P Parikh, P Mehta, CK Modi
2011 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network …, 2011
CASRank: A ranking algorithm for legal statute retrieval
S Parashar, N Mittal, P Mehta
Multimedia Tools and Applications 83 (2), 5369-5386, 2024
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Articles 1–20