Chris Marianetti
Chris Marianetti
Professor of Materials Science and Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Department of Applied
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Electronic structure calculations with dynamical mean-field theory
G Kotliar, SY Savrasov, K Haule, VS Oudovenko, O Parcollet, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 78 (3), 865, 2006
First-principles prediction of redox potentials in transition-metal compounds with LDA+ U
F Zhou, M Cococcioni, CA Marianetti, D Morgan, G Ceder
Physical Review B 70 (23), 235121, 2004
Nonlinear elastic behavior of two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide
RC Cooper, C Lee, CA Marianetti, X Wei, J Hone, JW Kysar
Physical Review B 87 (3), 035423, 2013
Nonlinear elastic behavior of graphene: Ab initio calculations to continuum description
X Wei, B Fragneaud, CA Marianetti, JW Kysar
Physical Review B 80 (20), 205407, 2009
Site-Selective Mott Transition in Rare-Earth-Element Nickelates
H Park, AJ Millis, CA Marianetti
Physical review letters 109 (15), 156402, 2012
First-principles study of the stability and electronic structure of metal hydrides
H Smithson, CA Marianetti, D Morgan, A Van der Ven, A Predith, G Ceder
Physical Review B 66 (14), 144107, 2002
Phase separation in Li x FePO 4 induced by correlation effects
F Zhou, CA Marianetti, M Cococcioni, D Morgan, G Ceder
Physical Review B 69 (20), 201101, 2004
Phase transformations and volume changes in spinel Li< i> x</i> Mn< sub> 2</sub> O< sub> 4</sub>
A Van der Ven, C Marianetti, D Morgan, G Ceder
Solid State Ionics 135 (1), 21-32, 2000
Approaching the intrinsic limit in transition metal diselenides via point defect control
D Edelberg, D Rhodes, A Kerelsky, B Kim, J Wang, A Zangiabadi, C Kim, ...
Nano letters 19 (7), 4371-4379, 2019
A first-order Mott transition in LixCoO2
CA Marianetti, G Kotliar, G Ceder
Nature materials 3 (9), 627-631, 2004
Failure mechanisms of graphene under tension
CA Marianetti, HG Yevick
Physical review letters 105 (24), 245502, 2010
S= 1/2 chains and spin-Peierls transition in TiOCl
A Seidel, CA Marianetti, FC Chou, G Ceder, PA Lee
Physical Review B 67 (2), 020405, 2003
Three-dimensional metallic and two-dimensional insulating behavior in octahedral tantalum dichalcogenides
CAM P. Darancet, A.J. Millis
Phys. Rev. B 90, 045134, 2014
Covalency, double-counting, and the metal-insulator phase diagram in transition metal oxides
X Wang, MJ Han, L de'Medici, H Park, CA Marianetti, AJ Millis
Physical Review B 86 (19), 195136, 2012
Signatures of the topological s+− superconducting order parameter in the type-II Weyl semimetal T d-MoTe 2
Z Guguchia, F Rohr, Z Shermadini, AT Lee, S Banerjee, AR Wieteska, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1082, 2017
First-principles investigation of the cooperative Jahn-Teller effect for octahedrally coordinated transition-metal ions
CA Marianetti, D Morgan, G Ceder
Physical Review B 63 (22), 224304, 2001
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Nickelate Superlattices
MJ Han, X Wang, CA Marianetti, AJ Millis
Physical Review Letters 107 (20), 206804, 2011
Computing total energies in complex materials using charge self-consistent DFT+DMFT
CAM H. Park, A.J. Millis
Phys. Rev. B 90, 235103, 2014
Total energy calculations using DFT+DMFT: computing the pressure phase diagram of the rare earth nickelates
CAM H. Park, A.J. Millis
Phys. Rev. B 89, 245133, 2014
Electronic coherence in δ-Pu: A dynamical mean-field theory study
CA Marianetti, K Haule, G Kotliar, MJ Fluss
Physical review letters 101 (5), 056403, 2008
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