Eryati Darwin
Eryati Darwin
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Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu dengan Pemberian Imunisasi Dasar Lengkap pada Bayi di Kelurahan Parupuk Tabing Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lubuk Buaya Kota Padang Tahun 2013
AP Dewi, E Darwin, E Edison
Jurnal kesehatan andalas 3 (2), 2014
Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik Harian dengan Gangguan Menstruasi pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas
P Anindita, E Darwin, A Afriwardi
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas 5 (3), 2016
Pengaruh Inisiasi menyusu dini (IMD) terhadap suhu dan kehilangan panas pada bayi baru lahir
HS Hutagaol, E Darwin, E Yantri
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas 3 (3), 2014
Etika profesi kesehatan
E Darwin
Deepublish, 2015
Pola Infeksi Oportunistik yang Menyebabkan Kematian pada Penyandang AIDS di RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2010-2012
AJ Putri, E Darwin, E Efrida
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas 4 (1), 2015
Keinginan Berhenti Merokok Pada Pelajar Perokok Berdasarkan Global Youth Tobacco Survey di SMK Negeri Kota Padang
S Sulastri, D Herman, E Darwin
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas 7 (2), 205-211, 2018
Analyzing determinant factors for pathophysiology of functional dyspepsia based on plasma cortisol levels, IL-6 and IL-8 expressions and H. pylori Activity
AW Murni, E Darwin, N Zubir, AE Nurdin
Acta Med Indones 50 (1), 38-45, 2018
The effect of psychological stress on mucosal IL-6 and Helicobacter pylori activity in functional dyspepsia
E Darwin, AW Murni, AE Nurdin
Acta Med Indones 49 (2), 99-104, 2017
Vitamin D status in under-five children with a history of close tuberculosis contact in Padang, West Sumatra
FF Yani, NI Lipoeto, B Supriyatno, E Darwin, D Basir
Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition 26 (Supplement), 2017
Pengaruh hiperglikemia terhadap gambaran histopatologis pulau Langerhans mencit
M Farid, E Darwin, D Sulastri
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas 3 (3), 2014
Hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi dengan kejadian obesitas anak di sd islam al-azhar 32 padang
M Merisya, E Darwin, D Iryani
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas 4 (1), 2015
Effect of Allogeneic Bone Marrow-mesenchymal Stem Cells (BM-MSCs) to Accelerate Burn Healing of Rat on the Expression of Collagen Type I and Integrin α2β1.
G Revilla, E Darwin, FA Rantam
Pakistan journal of biological sciences: PJBS 19 (8-9), 345-351, 2016
The analysis of matrix metalloproteinase-8 in gingival crevicular fluid and periodontal diseases
N Kasuma, F Oenzil, E Darwin, Y Sofyan
Indian Journal of Dental Research 29 (4), 450-454, 2018
Endotel: fungsi dan disfungsi
E Darwin, EF Elfi, D Elvira
Andalas University Press, 2018
The expression of transforming growth factor beta-1 and interleukin-6 on human prostate: prostate hyperplasia and prostate cancer
A Afdal, E Darwin, Y Yanwirasti, R Hamid
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 (12), 1905, 2019
Hubungan Tingkat Ansietas dengan Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut pada Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Andalas Angkatan 2015-2016
AM Bilqis, Y Yaunin, E Darwin
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas 7 (3), 319-324, 2018
Association of inflammation mediator in mucosal and tissue of chronic rhinosinusitis with recurrent nasal polyp
E Huriyati, E Darwin, Y Yanwirasti, I Wahid
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 (10), 1635, 2019
The cytotoxic effects of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) tuber essential oil on the HeLa cervical cancer cell line
S Susianti, Y Yanwirasti, E Darwin
Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology 15 (1), 77-81, 2018
The effect of mesenchymal stem cell Wharton’s jelly on matrix Metalloproteinase-1 and Interleukin-4 levels in osteoarthritis rat model
E Endrinaldi, E Darwin, N Zubir, G Revilla
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 (4), 529, 2019
The risk factors of coronary heart disease and its relationship with endothelial nitric oxide synthase
EF Elfi, E Decroli, E Nasrul, Y Yanwirasti, E Darwin
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (B), 451-456, 2021
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