Matt Mazhari
Matt Mazhari
Electric Power Engineers, LLC
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A multi-objective PMU placement method considering measurement redundancy and observability value under contingencies
SM Mazhari, H Monsef, H Lesani, A Fereidunian
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (3), 2136-2146, 2013
Fault indicator deployment in distribution systems considering available control and protection devices: a multi-objective formulation approach
A Shahsavari, SM Mazhari, A Fereidunian, H Lesani
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (5), 2359-2369, 2014
A Multi-Objective Distribution System Expansion Planning Incorporating Customer Choices on Reliability
SM Mazhari, H Monsef, R Romero
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016
A joint automatic and manual switch placement within distribution systems considering operational probabilities of control sequences
A Shahsavari, A Fereidunian, SM Mazhari
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 25 (11), 2745-2768, 2015
Dynamic sub-transmission substation expansion planning using learning automata
SM Mazhari, H Monsef
Electric Power Systems Research 96, 255-266, 2013
Rotor angle stability prediction of power systems with high wind power penetration using a stability index vector
Y Chen, SM Mazhari, CY Chung, SO Faried, BC Pal
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (6), 4632-4643, 2020
A Hybrid Fault Cluster and Thevenin Equivalent Based Framework for Rotor Angle Stability Prediction
SM Mazhari, N Safari, CY Chung, I Kamwa
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018
Very short-term wind power prediction interval framework via bi-level optimization and novel convex cost function
N Safari, SM Mazhari, CY Chung
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (2), 1289-1300, 2018
A hybrid heuristic and evolutionary algorithm for distribution substation planning
SM Mazhari, H Monsef, R Romero
IEEE Systems Journal 9 (4), 1396-1408, 2013
A hybrid heuristic and learning automatabased algorithm for distribution substations siting, sizing and defining the associated service areas
SM Mazhari, H Monsef, H Falaghi
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 24 (3), 433-456, 2014
A quantile regression-based approach for online probabilistic prediction of unstable groups of coherent generators in power systems
SM Mazhari, N Safari, CY Chung, I Kamwa
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (3), 2240-2250, 2018
A novel hybrid method for short-term probabilistic load forecasting in distribution networks
B Wang, M Mazhari, CY Chung
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (5), 3650-3661, 2022
A Healer Reinforcement Approach to Smart Distribution Grids by Improving Fault Location Function in FLISR
A Shahsavari, A Fereidunian, A Ameli, SM Mazhari, H Lesani
13th Int. Conf. on Env. and Elect. Eng, 2014
Interfacing transient stability and extended harmonic domain for dynamic harmonic analysis of power systems
SM Mazhari, SM Kouhsari, A Ramirez, E Karami
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (11), 2720-2730, 2016
A simulation-based classification approach for online prediction of generator dynamic behavior under multiple large disturbances
SM Mazhari, B Khorramdel, CY Chung, I Kamwa, D Novosel
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (2), 1217-1228, 2020
A machine learning-based framework for fast prediction of wide-area remedial control actions in interconnected power systems
S Naderi, M Javadi, M Mazhari, CY Chung
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (1), 242-255, 2022
A novel frequency-domain approach for distributed harmonic analysis of multi-area interconnected power systems
SM Mazhari, SM Kouhsari, A Ramirez
Electric power systems research 143, 669-681, 2017
Secure probabilistic prediction of dynamic thermal line rating
N Safari, SM Mazhari, CY Chung, SB Ko
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 10 (2), 378-387, 2021
Tidal current and level uncertainty prediction via adaptive linear programming
N Safari, SM Mazhari, B Khorramdel, CY Chung
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 10 (2), 748-758, 2018
A preventive dispatching method for high wind power-integrated electrical systems considering probabilistic transient stability constraints
Y Chen, SM Mazhari, CY Chung, SO Faried
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy 8, 472-483, 2021
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