Erick Olivares
Erick Olivares
Neuroscience Institute, UTSA
在 utsa.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Ectomycorrhizal fungi enhance nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition of Nothofagus dombeyi under drought conditions by regulating assimilative enzyme activities
M Alvarez, D Huygens, E Olivares, I Saavedra, M Alberdi, E Valenzuela
Physiologia Plantarum 136 (4), 426-436, 2009
Effect of ectomycorrhizal colonization and drought on reactive oxygen species metabolism of Nothofagus dombeyi roots
M Alvarez, D Huygens, C Fernandez, Y Gacitua, E Olivares, I Saavedra, ...
Tree Physiology 29 (8), 1047-1057, 2009
Role of TRPM8 channels in altered cold sensitivity of corneal primary sensory neurons induced by axonal damage
R Piña, G Ugarte, M Campos, A Íñigo-Portugués, E Olivares, P Orio, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (41), 8177-8192, 2019
Potential role of a ventral nerve cord central pattern generator in forward and backward locomotion in Caenorhabditis elegans
EO Olivares, EJ Izquierdo, RD Beer
Network Neuroscience 2 (3), 323-343, 2018
Seasonal changes in the photosynthetic performance of two evergreen Nothofagus species in south central Chile
R Zuniga, M Alberdi, M Reyes-Diaz, E Olivares, S Hess, LA Bravo, ...
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 79 (4), 489-504, 2006
TRPM8-dependent dynamic response in a mathematical model of cold thermoreceptor
E Olivares, S Salgado, JP Maidana, G Herrera, M Campos, R Madrid, ...
PloS one 10 (10), e0139314, 2015
A Neuromechanical Model of Multiple Network Rhythmic Pattern Generators for Forward Locomotion in C. elegans
E Olivares, EJ Izquierdo, RD Beer
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 15, 572339, 2021
Response to water deficit of Nothofagus dombeyi plants inoculated with a specific (Descolea antarctica Sing) and non-specific (Pisolithus tinctorious (Pers.) Coker & Couch …
M Alberdi, M Alvarez, E Valenzuela, R Godoy, E OLIVARES, M Barrientos
Revista chilena de historia natural 80 (4), 479-491, 2007
Spontaneous activity of the local GABAergic synaptic network causes irregular neuronal firing in the external globus pallidus
JA Jones, MH Higgs, E Olivares, J Peña, CJ Wilson
Journal of Neuroscience 43 (8), 1281-1297, 2023
Local inhibition in a model of the indirect pathway globus pallidus network slows and deregularizes background firing, but sharpens and synchronizes responses to striatal input
E Olivares, MH Higgs, CJ Wilson
Journal of computational neuroscience 50 (2), 251-272, 2022
The Chilean Recluse Spider (Araneae: Sicariidae) displays behavioral responses to conspecific odors, but not to several general odorants
VM Calbiague, J Olivares, E Olivares, O Schmachtenberg
Journal of medical entomology 54 (5), 1435-1439, 2017
Mathematical modeling of TRPM8 and the cold thermoreceptors
E Olivares, P Orio
TRP channels in sensory transduction, 209-223, 2015
Efecto de la sequía sobre la eficiencia fotoquímica del psii en N. dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst
EO Olivares
Trabajo presentado para optar al título de Licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas …, 2005
Phase delays between mouse globus pallidus neurons entrained by common oscillatory drive arise from their intrinsic properties, not their coupling
E Olivares, CJ Wilson, JA Goldberg
eNeuro 11 (5), 2024.02. 19.580929, 2024
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