Jong Chan Kim(김종찬)
Jong Chan Kim(김종찬)
Assistant Professor(Tenure Track) of Dept. of Computer Engineering, Sunchon National University
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Cited by
Solar power forecasting using CNN-LSTM hybrid model
SC Lim, JH Huh, SH Hong, CY Park, JC Kim
Energies 15 (21), 8233, 2022
Overview of maximum power point tracking methods for PV system in micro grid
JS Ko, JH Huh, JC Kim
Electronics 9 (5), 816, 2020
Review on generative adversarial networks: focusing on computer vision and its applications
SW Park, JS Ko, JH Huh, JC Kim
Electronics 10 (10), 1216, 2021
Inverter efficiency analysis model based on solar power estimation using solar radiation
CY Park, SH Hong, SC Lim, BS Song, SW Park, JH Huh, JC Kim
Processes 8 (10), 1225, 2020
Establishment of web-based remote monitoring system for greenhouse environment
K Kim, K Park, J Kim, M Jang, E Kim
The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences 6 (1 …, 2011
Improvement of MPPT control performance using fuzzy control and VGPI in the PV system for micro grid
JC Kim, JH Huh, JS Ko
Sustainability 11 (21), 5891, 2019
BEGAN v3: avoiding mode collapse in GANs using variational inference
SW Park, JH Huh, JC Kim
Electronics 9 (4), 688, 2020
Optimization design and test bed of fuzzy control rule base for PV system MPPT in micro grid
JC Kim, JH Huh, JS Ko
Sustainability 12 (9), 3763, 2020
Prediction Data Processing Scheme using an Artificial Neural Network and Data Clustering for Big Data
S Jung, JC Kim
IJECE, 2016
Improvement of Temperature Control Performance of Thermoelectric Dehumidifier used Industry 4.0 by the SF-PI Controller
JCK Jae-Sub Ko, Jun-Ho Huh
Processes 2019 7 (98), 2019
웹기반의 온실환경 원격 모니터링 시스템 구축
김경옥, 박경욱, 김종찬, 장문석, 김응곤
한국전자통신학회논문지 제 6 (1), 2011
A novel data prediction model using data weights and neural network based on R for meaning analysis between data
SH Jung, JC Kim, CB Sim
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society 18 (4), 524-532, 2015
U-it based greenhouse environment monitoring system
K Kim, J Kim, K Ban, E Kim, M Jang
2011 Fifth FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous …, 2011
적은 수의 특징점을 이용한 얼굴 사진의 3 차원 모델링 시스템
김종찬, 박경숙, 정선인, 허영남, 김응곤
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 28 (1B), 628-630, 2001
u-IT Based Plant Green Growth Environment Management System
J Kim, S Cho, KJ Ban, CY Kim
Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering …, 2011
Review for Examining the Oxidation Process of the Moon Using Generative Adversarial Networks: Focusing on Landscape of Moon
JC Kim, SC Lim, J Choi, JH Huh
Electronics 11 (9), 1303, 2022
Marine Leisure Sports Based on Realistic VR System for BLeisure Busan
JC Kim
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, 2017
A Study on 3D Panoramic Generation using Depth-map
SI Cho, JC Kim, KJ Ban, EK Kim
The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences 6 (6 …, 2011
소셜 네트워크게임의 성공요소 분석: 팜빌 게임을 중심으로: 팜빌 게임을 중심으로
김종찬, 송승근
한국정보통신학회논문지 14 (11), 2586-2592, 2010
Fish Schooling Behavior Modeler for Constructing Virtual Underwater World
JC Kim, SI Cho, EK Kim
Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference, 158-161, 2006
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Articles 1–20