Fen Lin
Fen Lin
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From propaganda to public diplomacy: Assessing China's international practice and its image, 1950–2009
TK Chang, F Lin
Public Relations Review 40 (3), 450-458, 2014
A survey report on Chinese journalists in China
F Lin
The China Quarterly 202, 421-434, 2010
Infodemic, institutional trust, and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: a cross-national survey
X Chen, W Lee, F Lin
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (13), 8033, 2022
Does the number of lymph nodes examined in patients with lymph node‐negative breast carcinoma have prognostic significance?
JK Salama, R Heimann, F Lin, N Mehta, SJ Chmura, R Singh, J Kao
Cancer 103 (4), 664-671, 2005
Changes in psychological wellbeing, attitude and information-seeking behaviour among people at the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic: a panel survey of residents in Hubei …
X Chen, H Gao, Y Zou, F Lin
Epidemiology & Infection, 2020
Income inequality in the People’s Republic of China and its decomposition: 1990–2004
T Lin, J Zhuang, D Yarcia, F Lin
Asian Development Review 25 (01n02), 119-136, 2008
Organizational construction or individual’s deed? The literati tradition in the journalistic professionalization in China
FJ Lin
International Journal of Communication 4, 175-197, 2010
The impact of accompanying text on visual processing and hedonic evaluation of art
F Lin, M Yao
Empirical Studies of the Arts 36 (2), 180-198, 2018
How are Chinese students ideologically divided? A survey of Chinese college students' political self-identification
F Lin, Y Sun, H Yang
Pacific Affairs 88 (1), 51-74, 2015
林芬, 赵鼎新
传播与社会学刊 6, 2008
Media and Social Movements in China: A Relationship without the Constraint of a Hegemonic Culture
F Lin, D Zhao
Communication and Society 6, 93-119, 2008
Turning gray: Transition of political communication in China, 1978–2008
F Lin
The University of Chicago, 2008
After the spillover effect: news flows and power relations in Chinese mainstream media
F Lin, TK Chang, X Zhang
Asian Journal of Communication 25 (3), 235-54, 2015
Decomposing Income Inequality: People’s Republic of China
T Lin, J Zhuang, D Yarcia, F Lin
Poverty, inequality, and inclusive growth in Asia: Measurement, policy …, 2010
Contextualized impacts of an infodemic on vaccine hesitancy: The moderating role of socioeconomic and cultural factors
F Lin, X Chen, EW Cheng
Information Processing & Management 59 (5), 103013, 2022
Information differentiation, commercialization and legal reform: The rise of a three-dimensional state–media regime in China
F Lin
Journalism Studies 13 (3), 418-432, 2012
Dancing beautifully, but with hands cuffed?: A historical review of journalism formation during media commercialization in China
L Fen
Perspectives 7 (2), 79-98, 2006
Social movements as a dialogic process: Framing, background expectancies, and the dynamics of the anti-CNN movement
F Lin, D Zhao
Chinese Sociological Review 48 (3), 185-208, 2016
Studying the reliability of group-level measures with implications for statistical power: A six-step paradigm
SW Raudenbush, A Martinez, H Bloom, P Zhu, F Lin
University of Chicago Working Paper, 2010
Green benches: What can the People's Republic of China learn from environment courts of other countries?
T Lin, C Wang, Y Chen, T Camacho, F Lin
Asian Development Bank, 2009
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Articles 1–20