Wenrui Dai
Spatial-temporal transformer networks for traffic flow forecasting
M Xu, W Dai, C Liu, X Gao, W Lin, GJ Qi, H Xiong
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.02908, 2020
HEALER: homomorphic computation of ExAct Logistic rEgRession for secure rare disease variants analysis in GWAS
S Wang, Y Zhang, W Dai, K Lauter, M Kim, Y Tang, H Xiong, X Jiang
Bioinformatics 32 (2), 211-218, 2016
Contrastive regression for domain adaptation on gaze estimation
Y Wang, Y Jiang, J Li, B Ni, W Dai, C Li, H Xiong, T Li
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
Foresee: Fully outsourced secure genome study based on homomorphic encryption
Y Zhang, W Dai, X Jiang, H Xiong, S Wang
BMC medical informatics and decision making 15, 1-11, 2015
Sdae: Self-distillated masked autoencoder
Y Chen, Y Liu, D Jiang, X Zhang, W Dai, H Xiong, Q Tian
European conference on computer vision, 108-124, 2022
RAPT360: Reinforcement learning-based rate adaptation for 360-degree video streaming with adaptive prediction and tiling
N Kan, J Zou, C Li, W Dai, H Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 32 (3), 1607-1623, 2021
Partially-connected neural architecture search for reduced computational redundancy
Y Xu, L Xie, W Dai, X Zhang, X Chen, GJ Qi, H Xiong, Q Tian
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43 (9), 2953-2970, 2021
Trained rank pruning for efficient deep neural networks
Y Xu, Y Li, S Zhang, W Wen, B Wang, W Dai, Y Qi, Y Chen, W Lin, ...
2019 Fifth Workshop on Energy Efficient Machine Learning and Cognitive …, 2019
PRESAGE: PRivacy-preserving gEnetic testing via SoftwAre guard extension
F Chen, C Wang, W Dai, X Jiang, N Mohammed, MM Al Aziz, MN Sadat, ...
BMC medical genomics 10, 77-85, 2017
Privacy policy and technology in biomedical data science
AM Arellano, W Dai, S Wang, X Jiang, L Ohno-Machado
Annual review of biomedical data science 1 (1), 115-129, 2018
Secure multi-pArty computation grid LOgistic REgression (SMAC-GLORE)
H Shi, C Jiang, W Dai, X Jiang, Y Tang, L Ohno-Machado, S Wang
BMC medical informatics and decision making 16, 175-187, 2016
ipool—information-based pooling in hierarchical graph neural networks
X Gao, W Dai, C Li, H Xiong, P Frossard
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (9), 5032-5044, 2021
Source-free domain adaptation with contrastive domain alignment and self-supervised exploration for face anti-spoofing
Y Liu, Y Chen, W Dai, M Gou, CT Huang, H Xiong
European Conference on Computer Vision, 511-528, 2022
Rotation equivariant graph convolutional network for spherical image classification
Q Yang, C Li, W Dai, J Zou, GJ Qi, H Xiong
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
Pose-oriented transformer with uncertainty-guided refinement for 2d-to-3d human pose estimation
H Li, B Shi, W Dai, H Zheng, B Wang, Y Sun, M Guo, C Li, J Zou, H Xiong
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (1), 1296-1304, 2023
Big data privacy in biomedical research
S Wang, L Bonomi, W Dai, F Chen, C Cheung, CS Bloss, S Cheng, ...
IEEE Transactions on big Data 6 (2), 296-308, 2016
General bitwidth assignment for efficient deep convolutional neural network quantization
W Fei, W Dai, C Li, J Zou, H Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (10), 5253-5267, 2021
Depth estimation from light field using graph-based structure-aware analysis
Y Zhang, W Dai, M Xu, J Zou, X Zhang, H Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 30 (11), 4269 …, 2019
Towards unsupervised domain generalization for face anti-spoofing
Y Liu, Y Chen, M Gou, CT Huang, Y Wang, W Dai, H Xiong
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2023
SalGCN: Saliency prediction for 360-degree images based on spherical graph convolutional networks
H Lv, Q Yang, C Li, W Dai, J Zou, H Xiong
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 682-690, 2020
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