Peter Van de Vliet
Peter Van de Vliet
International Paralympic Committee
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The epidemiology of injuries at the London 2012 Paralympic Games
SE Willick, N Webborn, C Emery, CA Blauwet, P Pit-Grosheide, ...
British journal of sports medicine 47 (7), 426-432, 2013
Physical fitness profile of elite athletes with intellectual disability
P Van de Vliet, P Rintala, K Fröjd, J Verellen, S Van Houtte, DJ Daly, ...
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 16 (6), 417-425, 2006
Paralympic medicine
N Webborn, P Van de Vliet
The Lancet 380 (9836), 65-71, 2012
Illness and injury in athletes during the competition period at the London 2012 Paralympic Games: development and implementation of a web-based surveillance system (WEB-IISS …
W Derman, M Schwellnus, E Jordaan, CA Blauwet, C Emery, ...
British Journal of Sports Medicine 47 (7), 420-425, 2013
High precompetition injury rate dominates the injury profile at the Rio 2016 Summer Paralympic Games: a prospective cohort study of 51 198 athlete days
W Derman, P Runciman, M Schwellnus, E Jordaan, C Blauwet, ...
British journal of sports medicine 52 (1), 24-31, 2018
Comparison of changes in physical self-concept, global self-esteem, depression and anxiety following two different psychomotor therapy programs in nonpsychotic psychiatric …
J Knapen, P Van de Vliet, H Van Coppenolle, A David, J Peuskens, ...
Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 74 (6), 353-361, 2005
High incidence of injury at the Sochi 2014 Winter Paralympic Games: a prospective cohort study of 6564 athlete days
W Derman, MP Schwellnus, E Jordaan, P Runciman, P Van de Vliet, ...
British journal of sports medicine 50 (17), 1069-1074, 2016
Boosting in athletes with high-level spinal cord injury: knowledge, incidence and attitudes of athletes in paralympic sport
Y Bhambhani, J Mactavish, S Warren, WR Thompson, A Webborn, ...
Disability and rehabilitation 32 (26), 2172-2190, 2010
Assessment of physical self-perceptions in normal Flemish adults versus depressed psychiatric patients
P Van de Vliet, J Knapen, P Onghena, K Fox, H Van Coppenolle, A David, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 32 (5), 855-863, 2002
Factors associated with illness in athletes participating in the London 2012 Paralympic Games: a prospective cohort study involving 49 910 athlete-days
M Schwellnus, W Derman, E Jordaan, CA Blauwet, C Emery, ...
British Journal of Sports Medicine 47 (7), 433-440, 2013
Sport, sex and age increase risk of illness at the Rio 2016 summer Paralympic games: a prospective cohort study of 51 198 athlete days
W Derman, MP Schwellnus, E Jordaan, P Runciman, C Blauwet, ...
British journal of sports medicine 52 (1), 17-23, 2018
High incidence of injuries at the Pyeongchang 2018 Paralympic winter games: a prospective cohort study of 6804 athlete days
W Derman, P Runciman, E Jordaan, M Schwellnus, C Blauwet, ...
British journal of sports medicine 54 (1), 38-43, 2020
Risk of injuries in Paralympic track and field differs by impairment and event discipline: a prospective cohort study at the London 2012 Paralympic Games
CA Blauwet, D Cushman, C Emery, SE Willick, N Webborn, W Derman, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 44 (6), 1455-1462, 2016
The epidemiology of injuries in powerlifting at the L ondon 2012 P aralympic G ames: An analysis of 1411 athletedays
SE Willick, DM Cushman, CA Blauwet, C Emery, N Webborn, W Derman, ...
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 26 (10), 1233-1238, 2016
Para sport translation of the IOC consensus on recording and reporting of data for injury and illness in sport
W Derman, M Badenhorst, C Blauwet, CA Emery, K Fagher, YH Lee, ...
British journal of sports medicine 55 (19), 1068-1076, 2021
Relationships between self-perceptions and negative affect in adult Flemish psychiatric in-patients suffering from mood disorders
P Van de Vliet, J Knapen, P Onghena, KR Fox, A David, I Morres, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 3 (4), 309-322, 2002
Testing for boosting at the Paralympic games: policies, results and future directions
CA Blauwet, H Benjamin-Laing, J Stomphorst, P Van de Vliet, ...
British journal of sports medicine 47 (13), 832-837, 2013
Concussion in para sport: the first position statement of the concussion in para sport (CIPS) group
R Weiler, C Blauwet, D Clarke, K Dalton, W Derman, K Fagher, ...
British journal of sports medicine 55 (21), 1187-1195, 2021
The epidemiology of injuries in football at the London 2012 Paralympic Games
N Webborn, D Cushman, CA Blauwet, C Emery, W Derman, ...
PM&R 8 (6), 545-552, 2016
Oxidative stress and metabolism at rest and during exercise in persons with Down syndrome
P Flore, VA Bricout, D Biesen, M Guinot, F Laporte, JL Pépin, Y Eberhard, ...
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 15 (1), 35-42, 2008
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