Nikolaos K. Efremidis
Nikolaos K. Efremidis
University of Crete and Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
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Cited by
Observation of two-dimensional discrete solitons in optically induced nonlinear photonic lattices
JW Fleischer, M Segev, NK Efremidis, DN Christodoulides
Nature 422 (6928), 147-150, 2003
Observation of discrete solitons in optically induced real time waveguide arrays
JW Fleischer, T Carmon, M Segev, NK Efremidis, DN Christodoulides
Physical review letters 90 (2), 023902, 2003
Discrete solitons in photorefractive optically induced photonic lattices
NK Efremidis, S Sears, DN Christodoulides, JW Fleischer, M Segev
Physical Review E 66 (4), 046602, 2002
Trapping and guiding microparticles with morphing autofocusing Airy beams
P Zhang, J Prakash, Z Zhang, MS Mills, NK Efremidis, DN Christodoulides, ...
Optics letters 36 (15), 2883-2885, 2011
Abruptly autofocusing waves
NK Efremidis, DN Christodoulides
Optics letters 35 (23), 4045-4047, 2010
Observation of abruptly autofocusing waves
DG Papazoglou, NK Efremidis, DN Christodoulides, S Tzortzakis
Optics letters 36 (10), 1842-1844, 2011
Airy beams and accelerating waves: an overview of recent advances
NK Efremidis, Z Chen, M Segev, DN Christodoulides
Optica 6 (5), 686-701, 2019
Two-dimensional optical lattice solitons
NK Efremidis, J Hudock, DN Christodoulides, JW Fleischer, O Cohen, ...
Physical review letters 91 (21), 213906, 2003
Spatial photonics in nonlinear waveguide arrays
JW Fleischer, G Bartal, O Cohen, T Schwartz, O Manela, B Freedman, ...
Optics express 13 (6), 1780-1796, 2005
Pre-engineered abruptly autofocusing beams
I Chremmos, NK Efremidis, DN Christodoulides
Optics Letters 36 (10), 1890-1892, 2011
Lattice solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates
NK Efremidis, DN Christodoulides
Physical Review A 67 (6), 063608, 2003
Fourier-space generation of abruptly autofocusing beams and optical bottle beams
I Chremmos, P Zhang, J Prakash, NK Efremidis, DN Christodoulides, ...
Optics letters 36 (18), 3675-3677, 2011
Unveiling pseudospin and angular momentum in photonic graphene
D Song, V Paltoglou, S Liu, Y Zhu, D Gallardo, L Tang, J Xu, M Ablowitz, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6272, 2015
Discrete temporal solitons along a chain of nonlinear coupled microcavities embedded in photonic crystals
DN Christodoulides, NK Efremidis
Optics Letters 27 (8), 568-570, 2002
Self-accelerating Airy beams: generation, control, and applications
Y Hu, GA Siviloglou, P Zhang, NK Efremidis, DN Christodoulides, Z Chen
Nonlinear photonics and novel optical phenomena, 1-46, 2012
Airy trajectory engineering in dynamic linear index potentials
NK Efremidis
Optics letters 36 (15), 3006-3008, 2011
Bessel-like optical beams with arbitrary trajectories
ID Chremmos, Z Chen, DN Christodoulides, NK Efremidis
Optics letters 37 (23), 5003-5005, 2012
Abruptly autofocusing and autodefocusing optical beams with arbitrary caustics
ID Chremmos, Z Chen, DN Christodoulides, NK Efremidis
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (2), 023828, 2012
Curved singular beams for three-dimensional particle manipulation
J Zhao, ID Chremmos, D Song, DN Christodoulides, NK Efremidis, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 12086, 2015
Observation of self-accelerating Bessel-like optical beams along arbitrary trajectories
J Zhao, P Zhang, D Deng, J Liu, Y Gao, I Chremmos, NK Efremidis, ...
Optics letters 38 (4), 498-500, 2013
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Articles 1–20