Yun-hui Liu
Yun-hui Liu
Choh-Ming Li Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Cited by
Dynamic sliding PID control for tracking of robot manipulators: Theory and experiments
V Parra-Vega, S Arimoto, YH Liu, G Hirzinger, P Akella
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 19 (6), 967-976, 2003
Uncalibrated visual servoing of robots using a depth-independent interaction matrix
YH Liu, H Wang, C Wang, KK Lam
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 22 (4), 804-817, 2006
Qualitative test and force optimization of 3-D frictional form-closure grasps using linear programming
YH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 15 (1), 163-173, 1999
Lpd-net: 3d point cloud learning for large-scale place recognition and environment analysis
Z Liu, S Zhou, C Suo, P Yin, W Chen, H Wang, H Li, YH Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2019
Self-supervised video representation learning by pace prediction
J Wang, J Jiao, YH Liu
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Enclosing a target by nonholonomic mobile robots with bearing-only measurements
R Zheng, Y Liu, D Sun
Automatica 53, 400-407, 2015
Self-supervised spatio-temporal representation learning for videos by predicting motion and appearance statistics
J Wang, J Jiao, L Bao, S He, Y Liu, W Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Visual servoing of soft robot manipulator in constrained environments with an adaptive controller
H Wang, B Yang, Y Liu, W Chen, X Liang, R Pfeifer
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22 (1), 41-50, 2016
Automatic 3-D manipulation of soft objects by robotic arms with an adaptive deformation model
D Navarro-Alarcon, HM Yip, Z Wang, YH Liu, F Zhong, T Zhang, P Li
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 32 (2), 429-441, 2016
Computing n-finger form-closure grasps on polygonal objects
YH Liu
The International Journal of Robotics Research 19 (2), 149-158, 2000
Path Planning Using a Tangent Graph for Mobile Robots Among Polygonal and Curved Obstacles Communication
YH Liu, S Arimoto
The International journal of robotics research 11 (4), 376-382, 1992
An algorithm for extrinsic parameters calibration of a camera and a laser range finder using line features
G Li, Y Liu, L Dong, X Cai, D Zhou
2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2007
Adaptive visual servoing using point and line features with an uncalibrated eye-in-hand camera
H Wang, YH Liu, D Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24 (4), 843-857, 2008
Haptic information in internet-based teleoperation
I Elhajj, N Xi, WK Fung, YH Liu, WJ Li, T Kaga, T Fukuda
IEEE/ASME Transactions on mechatronics 6 (3), 295-304, 2001
Iterative learning impedance control for rehabilitation robots driven by series elastic actuators
X Li, YH Liu, H Yu
Automatica 90, 1-7, 2018
A complete and efficient algorithm for searching 3-D form-closure grasps in the discrete domain
YH Liu, ML Lam, D Ding
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 20 (5), 805-816, 2004
Fourier-based shape servoing: A new feedback method to actively deform soft objects into desired 2-D image contours
D Navarro-Alarcon, YH Liu
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 34 (1), 272-279, 2017
Model-free visually servoed deformation control of elastic objects by robot manipulators
D Navarro-Alarcon, YH Liu, JG Romero, P Li
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 29 (6), 1457-1468, 2013
Distributed estimation and control for leader-following formations of nonholonomic mobile robots
Z Miao, YH Liu, Y Wang, G Yi, R Fierro
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 15 (4), 1946-1954, 2018
Computation of 3-D form-closure grasps
D Ding, YH Lee, S Wang
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 17 (4), 515-522, 2001
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Articles 1–20