Stephen A Dewhurst
Stephen A Dewhurst
在 hull.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Emotionality, distinctiveness, and recollective experience
SA Dewhurst, LA Parry
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 12 (4), 541-551, 2000
Pictures, images, and recollective experience.
SA Dewhurst, MA Conway
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 20 (5), 1088, 1994
The self and recollective experience
MA Conway, SA Dewhurst
Applied Cognitive Psychology 9 (1), 1-19, 1995
False memories in children: Evidence for a shift from phonological to semantic associations
SA Dewhurst, CA Robinson
Psychological Science 15 (11), 782-786, 2004
Effects of exact and category repetition in true and false recognition memory
SA Dewhurst, SJ Anderson
Memory & cognition 27 (4), 665-673, 1999
Remembering, familiarity, and source monitoring
MA Conway, SA Dewhurst
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 48 (1), 125-140, 1995
Remembering the past and imagining the future: Differences in event specificity of spontaneously generated thought
RJ Anderson, SA Dewhurst
Memory 17 (4), 367-373, 2009
Collaborative false recall in the DRM procedure: Effects of group size and group pressure
C Thorley, SA Dewhurst
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 19 (6), 867-881, 2007
Separate effects of word frequency and age of acquisition in recognition and recall.
SA Dewhurst, GJ Hitch, C Barry
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 24 (2), 284, 1998
Measuring the speed of the conscious components of recognition memory: Remembering is faster than knowing
SA Dewhurst, SJ Holmes, KR Brandt, GM Dean
Consciousness and cognition 15 (1), 147-162, 2006
Identifying the cognitive basis of mental toughness: Evidence from the directed forgetting paradigm
SA Dewhurst, RJ Anderson, G Cotter, L Crust, PJ Clough
Personality and individual differences 53 (5), 587-590, 2012
Story contexts increase susceptibility to the DRM illusion in 5yearolds
SA Dewhurst, RC Pursglove, C Lewis
Developmental Science 10 (3), 374-378, 2007
The effects of divided attention at study and test on false recognition: A comparison of DRM and categorized lists
LM Knott, SA Dewhurst
Memory & Cognition 35, 1954-1965, 2007
Shared cognitive processes underlying past and future thinking: the impact of imagery and concurrent task demands on event specificity.
RJ Anderson, SA Dewhurst, RA Nash
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38 (2), 356, 2012
The roles of encoding and retrieval processes in associative and categorical memory illusions
SA Dewhurst, E Bould, LM Knott, C Thorley
Journal of Memory and Language 60 (1), 154-164, 2009
Convergent, but not divergent, thinking predicts susceptibility to associative memory illusions
SA Dewhurst, C Thorley, ER Hammond, TC Ormerod
Personality and Individual Differences 51 (1), 73-76, 2011
Category repetition and false recognition: Effects of instance frequency and category size
SA Dewhurst
Journal of Memory and Language 44 (1), 153-167, 2001
The self and recollection reconsidered: How a ‘failure to replicate’failed and why trace strength accounts of recollection are untenable
MA Conway, SA Dewhurst, N Pearson, A Sapute
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2001
The effect of divided attention on false memory depends on how memory is tested
SA Dewhurst, C Barry, ER Swannell, SJ Holmes, GL Bathurst
Memory & Cognition 35, 660-667, 2007
What factors underlie associative and categorical memory illusions? The roles of backward associative strength and interitem connectivity.
LM Knott, SA Dewhurst, ML Howe
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38 (1), 229, 2012
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