Liangxiu Han
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Cited by
Survey on SDN based network intrusion detection system using machine learning approaches
N Sultana, N Chilamkurti, W Peng, R Alhadad
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 12 (2), 493-501, 2019
Detection of advanced persistent threat using machine-learning correlation analysis
I Ghafir, M Hammoudeh, V Prenosil, L Han, R Hegarty, K Rabie, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 89, 349-359, 2018
A deep learning-based approach for automated yellow rust disease detection from high-resolution hyperspectral UAV images
X Zhang, L Han, Y Dong, Y Shi, W Huang, L Han, P González-Moreno, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (13), 1554, 2019
Automatic extraction of retinal features from colour retinal images for glaucoma diagnosis: a review
MS Haleem, L Han, J Van Hemert, B Li
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 37 (7-8), 581-596, 2013
Cloud-based big data analytics for customer insight-driven design innovation in SMEs
Y Liu, A Soroka, L Han, J Jian, M Tang
International Journal of Information Management 51, 102034, 2020
Dual attention multi-instance deep learning for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis with structural MRI
W Zhu, L Sun, J Huang, L Han, D Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40 (9), 2354-2366, 2021
How well do deep learning-based methods for land cover classification and object detection perform on high resolution remote sensing imagery?
X Zhang, L Han, L Han, L Zhu
Remote Sensing 12 (3), 417, 2020
An explainable 3D residual self-attention deep neural network for joint atrophy localization and Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis using structural MRI
X Zhang, L Han, W Zhu, L Sun, D Zhang
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 26 (11), 5289-5297, 2021
Measurement of the low-mass Drell-Yan differential cross section at = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector
ATLAS collaboration
arXiv preprint arXiv:1404.1212, 2014
FireGrid: An e-infrastructure for next-generation emergency response support
L Han, S Potter, G Beckett, G Pringle, S Welch, SH Koo, G Wickler, ...
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 70 (11), 1128-1141, 2010
A multiple-layer representation learning model for network-based attack detection
X Zhang, J Chen, Y Zhou, L Han, J Lin
IEEE Access 7, 91992-92008, 2019
Big data driven customer insights for SMEs in redistributed manufacturing
A Soroka, Y Liu, L Han, MS Haleem
Procedia CIRP 63, 692-697, 2017
A novel adaptive deformable model for automated optic disc and cup segmentation to aid glaucoma diagnosis
MS Haleem, L Han, J Hemert, B Li, A Fleming, LR Pasquale, BJ Song
Journal of medical systems 42, 1-18, 2018
EASM: Efficiency-aware switch migration for balancing controller loads in software-defined networking
T Hu, J Lan, J Zhang, W Zhao
Peer-to-Peer networking and applications 12 (2), 452-464, 2019
DSCB: Dual sink approach using clustering in body area network
Z Ullah, I Ahmed, K Razzaq, MK Naseer, N Ahmed
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 12, 357-370, 2019
Virtual network embedding based on modified genetic algorithm
P Zhang, H Yao, M Li, Y Liu
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 12 (2), 481-492, 2019
Identification of Alcoholism Based on Wavelet Renyi Entropy and Three‐Segment Encoded Jaya Algorithm
SH Wang, K Muhammad, Y Lv, Y Sui, L Han, YD Zhang
Complexity 2018 (1), 3198184, 2018
Semantic-supported and agent-based decentralized grid resource discovery
L Han, D Berry
Future Generation Computer Systems 24 (8), 806-812, 2008
A novel computer vision-based approach to automatic detection and severity assessment of crop diseases
L Han, MS Haleem, M Taylor
2015 Science and Information Conference (SAI), 638-644, 2015
A machine-learning based approach to model user occupancy and activity patterns for energy saving in buildings
JLG Ortega, L Han, N Whittacker, N Bowring
2015 science and information conference (SAI), 474-482, 2015
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Articles 1–20