Ying Ho Kwong
Ying Ho Kwong
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Cited by
The growth of “localism” in Hong Kong. A new path for the democracy movement?
Y Kwong
China Perspectives 2016 (2016/3), 63-68, 2016
State-society conflict radicalization in Hong Kong: The rise of ‘anti-China’sentiment and radical localism
Y Kwong
Asian Affairs 47 (3), 428-442, 2016
Academic censorship in China: The case of the China Quarterly
MYH Wong, Y Kwong
PS: Political Science & Politics 52 (2), 287-292, 2019
Political repression in a sub-national hybrid regime: The PRC’s governing strategies in Hong Kong
Y Kwong
Contemporary Politics 24 (4), 361-378, 2018
The dynamics of mainstream and internet alternative media in Hong Kong: A case study of the Umbrella Movement+
YH Kwong
International Journal of China Studies 6 (3), 273, 2015
State size and democratization in hybrid regimes: the Chinese island cities of Macau and Hong Kong
Y Kwong, MYH Wong
Island Studies Journal 12 (2), 113-126, 2017
Political consumerism in Hong Kong: China’s economic intervention, identity politics, or political participation?
MYH Wong, Y Kwong, EKF Chan
China Perspectives, 61-71, 2021
Digital divide: Computer and Internet use by elderly people in Hong Kong
YH Kwong
Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics 10 (1), 5-9, 2015
Democracy, constitutional framework, and human rights: A comparison of Monaco, Tonga, Hong Kong, and Singapore
MYH Wong, Y Kwong, VYW Chau
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 64, 100438, 2021
Ruling coalition restructuring under Macao's Hybrid Regime
Y Kwong
The China Review, 111-139, 2017
One formula, different trajectories: China’s coalition-building and elite dynamics in Hong Kong and Macau
MYH Wong, Y Kwong
Critical Asian Studies 52 (1), 44-66, 2020
Protests against the welfare package for chief executives and principal officials. Macao’s political awakening
YH Kwong
China Perspectives 2014 (2014/4), 61‑65, 2014
International linkages, geopolitics, and the Belt and Road Initiative: A comparison of four island territories
Y Kwong, MYH Wong
Island Studies Journal 15 (2), 131-154, 2020
After State Repression: Movement Abeyance in Hong Kong under the Enforcement of the National Security Law
YH Kwong
Journal of Asian and African Studies 58 (1), 68-85, 2023
Political positioning of religious institutions in comparative perspective: the case of Hong Kong
Y Kwong
Communist and Post-Communist Studies 56 (1), 60-81, 2023
Political Marketing in Macao: A Solution to the Legitimacy Gap for A Hybrid Regime?
W Wong, YH Kwong
Asian Survey 57 (4), 764-789, 2017
Social Media Framing in the Global Health Crisis
Y Kwong
China Review 23 (3), 185-215, 2023
Foreign news, regime type, and framing of China: comparing the world’s media interpretations of the Hong Kong National Security Law
Y Kwong, MYH Wong
Chinese Journal of Communication 16 (3), 324-344, 2023
Warning signal: Political trust, typhoons and the myth of the ‘Li's field’in Hong Kong
MYH Wong, Y Kwong
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 62 (2), 206-222, 2021
Teaching political science in the age of internationalisation: a survey of local and international students
Y Kwong, MYH Wong
Globalisation, Societies and Education 22 (5), 982-992, 2024
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Articles 1–20