Ahmad Fikrie
Ahmad Fikrie
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Cited by
Overlay welding analysis on GTAW and SMAW processes in terms of mechanical properties and corrosion rate
A Fikrie, W Dwi Pratiwi, AA Fakhri
Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology Online 3 (2), 87-93, 2022
Analysis of tensile strength and microstructure on GTAW-6061 Aluminium welding results
AA Fakhri, A Fikrie, P Kusdiyarto
Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology 3 (2), 2022
Implementation of project-based learning models to improve bench work practice activities and skills
E Purnomo, MA Mu'minin, M Alfarizi, M Gifari, A Fikrie
AIP Conference Proceedings 2671 (1), 2023
Effect of dual heat sink treatment during welding on distortion and mechanical properties
H Wibowo, S Karyono, TA Prasetya, A Fikrie
AIP Conference Proceedings 2671 (1), 2023
Analysis of tensile strength and microstructure on GTAW-Aluminum 6061 welding results
AA Fakhri, B Basyirun, A Fikrie, P Kusdiyarto
Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology 3 (2), 94-100, 2022
Development of computer aided manufacturing learning module for Magelang vocational high school students
BS Wijanartka, ZH Pramono, A Fikrie, KM Kassyaf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1700 (1), 012020, 2020
Effect of contextual approach to improve competence of engineering design and manufacturing in vocational high school 2 Depok Sleman
Y Ngadiyono, S Steven, A Fikrie, GYF Egiansyah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1700 (1), 012018, 2020
Analisis Komposisi Hexamethylenetetramine Pada Proses Sintesis Anoda Fe2O3 Terhadap Performa Elektrokimia Baterai Ion Lithium
A Fikrie
Intitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2018
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Articles 1–8