Eric Grodsky
Eric Grodsky
Professor of Sociology
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The more things change, the more they stay the same? Prior achievement fails to explain gender inequality in entry into STEM college majors over time
C Riegle-Crumb, B King, E Grodsky, C Muller
American Educational Research Journal 49 (6), 1048-1073, 2012
The structure of disadvantage: Individual and occupational determinants of the black-white wage gap
E Grodsky, D Pager
American Sociological Review 66 (4), 542-567, 2001
Real and imagined barriers to college entry: Perceptions of cost
E Grodsky, MT Jones
Social Science Research 36 (2), 745-766, 2007
Racial-ethnic differences at the intersection of math course-taking and achievement
C Riegle-Crumb, E Grodsky
Sociology of Education 83 (3), 248-270, 2010
Testing and social stratification in American education
E Grodsky, JR Warren, E Felts
Annu. Rev. Sociol 34 (1), 385-404, 2008
Those who choose and those who don’t: Social background and college orientation
E Grodsky, C Riegle-Crumb
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 627 (1 …, 2010
Graduate education and social stratification
JR Posselt, E Grodsky
Annual review of sociology 43 (1), 353-378, 2017
Postsecondary preparation and remediation: Examining the effect of the early assessment program at California State University
JS Howell, M Kurlaender, E Grodsky
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 29 (4), 726-748, 2010
Social stratification in higher education
E Grodsky, E Jackson
Teachers College Record 111 (10), 2347-2384, 2009
Is the sky falling? Grade inflation and the signaling power of grades
E Pattison, E Grodsky, C Muller
Educational Researcher 42 (5), 259-265, 2013
United States: Changes in higher education and social stratification
J Roksa, E Grodsky, R Arum, A Gamoran
Stratification in higher education—a comparative study, 165-191, 2007
Compensatory sponsorship in higher education
E Grodsky
American Journal of Sociology 112 (6), 1662-1712, 2007
The relationship between professional development and professional community in American schools
E Grodsky, A Gamoran
School effectiveness and school improvement 14 (1), 1-29, 2003
Something to fall back on: Community colleges as a safety net
D Kalogrides, E Grodsky
Social forces 89 (3), 853-877, 2011
Inequality and opportunity in a perfect storm of graduate student debt
J Pyne, E Grodsky
Sociology of Education 93 (1), 20-39, 2020
State high school exit examinations and NAEP long-term trends in reading and mathematics, 1971-2004
E Grodsky, JR Warren, D Kalogrides
Educational Policy 23 (4), 589-614, 2009
Diversification and inequality in higher education: a comparison of Israel and the United States
H Ayalon, E Grodsky, A Gamoran, A Yogev
Sociology of Education 81 (3), 211-241, 2008
Mismatch and the paternalistic justification for selective college admissions
M Kurlaender, E Grodsky
Sociology of Education 86 (4), 294-310, 2013
The declining significance of race in college admissions decisions
E Grodsky, D Kalogrides
American Journal of Education 115 (1), 1-33, 2008
The relationship between education and pain among adults aged 30–49 in the United States
A Zajacova, RG Rogers, E Grodsky, H Grol-Prokopczyk
The journal of pain 21 (11-12), 1270-1280, 2020
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Articles 1–20