Nick Pedatella
Nick Pedatella
National Center for Atmosphere Research, High Altitude Observatory
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Sudden stratospheric warmings
MP Baldwin, B Ayarzagüena, T Birner, N Butchart, AH Butler, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 59 (1), e2020RG000708, 2021
Development and validation of the whole atmosphere community climate model with thermosphere and ionosphere extension (WACCM‐X 2.0)
HL Liu, CG Bardeen, BT Foster, P Lauritzen, J Liu, G Lu, DR Marsh, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 10 (2), 381-402, 2018
Evidence for stratosphere sudden warming‐ionosphere coupling due to vertically propagating tides
NM Pedatella, JM Forbes
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (11), 2010
The COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 radio occultation mission after 12 years: Accomplishments, remaining challenges, and potential impacts of COSMIC-2
S Ho, RA Anthes, CO Ao, S Healy, A Horanyi, D Hunt, AJ Mannucci, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 (7), E1107-E1136, 2020
The influence of atmospheric tide and planetary wave variability during sudden stratosphere warmings on the low latitude ionosphere
NM Pedatella, HL Liu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (8), 5333-5347, 2013
Gravity waves simulated by high‐resolution whole atmosphere community climate model
HL Liu, JM McInerney, S Santos, PH Lauritzen, MA Taylor, NM Pedatella
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (24), 9106-9112, 2014
How Sudden stratospheric warmings affect the whole atmosphere
NM Pedatella, JL Chau, H Schmidt, LP Goncharenko, C Stolle, K Hocke, ...
American Geophysical Union, 2018
North–south asymmetries in Earth’s magnetic field: Effects on high-latitude geospace
KM Laundal, I Cnossen, SE Milan, SE Haaland, J Coxon, NM Pedatella, ...
Space Science Reviews 206, 225-257, 2017
Space weather observations by GNSS radio occultation: From FORMOSAT‐3/COSMIC to FORMOSAT‐7/COSMIC‐2
X Yue, WS Schreiner, N Pedatella, RA Anthes, AJ Mannucci, PR Straus, ...
Space Weather 12 (11), 616-621, 2014
Simulations of solar and lunar tidal variability in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere during sudden stratosphere warmings and their influence on the low‐latitude ionosphere
NM Pedatella, HL Liu, AD Richmond, A Maute, TW Fang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117 (A8), 2012
Observations of the ionospheric response to the 15 December 2006 geomagnetic storm: Long‐duration positive storm effect
NM Pedatella, J Lei, KM Larson, JM Forbes
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 114 (A12), 2009
The neutral dynamics during the 2009 sudden stratosphere warming simulated by different whole atmosphere models
NM Pedatella, T Fuller‐Rowell, H Wang, H Jin, Y Miyoshi, H Fujiwara, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 119 (2), 1306-1324, 2014
Characterizing GPS radio occultation loss of lock due to ionospheric weather
X Yue, WS Schreiner, NM Pedatella, YH Kuo
Space weather 14 (4), 285-299, 2016
Upper mesospheric lunar tides over middle and high latitudes during sudden stratospheric warming events
JL Chau, P Hoffmann, NM Pedatella, V Matthias, G Stober
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (4), 3084-3096, 2015
Longitudinal variations in the F region ionosphere and the topside ionosphere‐plasmasphere: Observations and model simulations
NM Pedatella, JM Forbes, A Maute, AD Richmond, TW Fang, KM Larson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 116 (A12), 2011
Ionosphere variability during the 2009 SSW: Influence of the lunar semidiurnal tide and mechanisms producing electron density variability
NM Pedatella, HL Liu, F Sassi, J Lei, JL Chau, X Zhang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 119 (5), 3828-3843, 2014
Intra‐annual variability of the low‐latitude ionosphere due to nonmigrating tides
NM Pedatella, JM Forbes, J Oberheide
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (18), 2008
Seasonal and longitudinal variations of the solar quiet (Sq) current system during solar minimum determined by CHAMP satellite magnetic field observations
NM Pedatella, JM Forbes, AD Richmond
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 116 (A4), 2011
The Two‐Dimensional Evolution of Thermospheric ∑O/N2 Response to Weak Geomagnetic Activity During Solar‐Minimum Observed by GOLD
X Cai, AG Burns, W Wang, L Qian, SC Solomon, RW Eastes, N Pedatella, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (18), e2020GL088838, 2020
On the dynamical control of the mesosphere–lower thermosphere by the lower and middle atmosphere
AK Smith, NM Pedatella, DR Marsh, T Matsuo
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 74 (3), 933-947, 2017
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Articles 1–20