Paula Bräuer
Cited by
Cited by
Gamification is working, but which one exactly? Results from an experiment with four game design elements
A Mazarakis, P Bräuer
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (3), 612-627, 2023
Badges or a leaderboard? How to gamify an augmented reality warehouse setting.
P Bräuer, A Mazarakis
GamiFIN 2359, 229-240, 2019
AR in order-picking–experimental evidence with Microsoft HoloLens
P Bräuer, A Mazarakis
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2018
“Alexa, can we design gamification without a screen?”-Implementing cooperative and competitive audio-gamification for intelligent virtual assistants
P Bräuer, A Mazarakis
Computers in Human Behavior 135, 107362, 2022
Gamification of an open access quiz with badges and progress bars: An experimental study with scientists.
A Mazarakis, P Bräuer
GamiFIN, 62-71, 2020
How to Design Audio-Gamification for Language Learning with Amazon Alexa?—A Long-Term Field Experiment
P Bräuer, A Mazarakis
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 40 (9), 2343-2360, 2024
Gamification is working, but which one exactly? Results from an experiment with four game design elements
A Mazarakis, P Bräuer
Proceedings of the Technology, Mind, and Society, 1-1, 2018
Welche Gamification motiviert?
A Mazarakis, P Bräuer
Workshop Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien (GeNeMe) 2017, 259 - 268, 2017
Altmetrics for evaluation of medical research in Germany
N Fraser, P Bräuer, I Peters
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Scientometrics …, 2021
Does the general public share research on Twitter? A case study on the online conversation about the search for a nuclear repository in Germany
S Lemke, P Bräuer, I Peters
Werner Hülsbusch 74, 94-114, 2021
Visualization of turnover rate in a warehouse using augmented reality: a demo with the Microsoft Hololens
P Bräuer, A Mazarakis
Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2020, 519-522, 2020
Erhöhung der Motivation für Open Access durch Gamification
P Bräuer, A Mazarakis
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2019
Gamification und die Wahrnehmung von Punkten–Eine Umfragestudie
A Mazarakis, P Bräuer
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2022
First Directions for Using Gamification to Motivate for Open Access
A Mazarakis, P Bräuer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.03681, 2020
Gamification und augmented reality für lagerprozesse
P Bräuer, A Mazarakis
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2018
Ein partizipatives WebGIS für die Endlagerstandortsuche
L Schwarz, P Bräuer, W Consten, M Schöler, A Guth, N Nissen, B Gaebel
An Exploratory PPGIS for the Nuclear Waste Repository Siting Procedure in Germany–a Transdisciplinary Approach to Enable Meaningful Participation?
L Schwarz, P Bräuer
GI_Forum 2022, 10, 77-90, 2022
Vertrauenswürdigkeit und Wissenschaftlichkeit von Visualisierungen im partizipativen Prozess der Endlagersuche für hoch radioaktive Abfälle in Deutschland
P Bräuer, A Jacob, A Mazarakis, I Peters
TUDpress, 2021
Extracting game design elements from voice-enabled games: A review of Amazon Alexa skills.
P Bräuer, F Werner, A Mazarakis
GamiFIN, 47-56, 2023
A Speech-Based AI for Political Participation
P Bräuer, A Mazarakis
Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2022, 462-466, 2022
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Articles 1–20