Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo
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Cited by
A study on the impact of shadow-cast and tree species on in-canyon and neighborhood's thermal comfort
TE Morakinyo, L Kong, KKL Lau, C Yuan, E Ng
Building and Environment 115, 1-17, 2017
Simulation study on the impact of tree-configuration, planting pattern and wind condition on street-canyon's micro-climate and thermal comfort
TE Morakinyo, YF Lam
Building and environment 103, 262-275, 2016
Temperature and cooling demand reduction by green-roof types in different climates and urban densities: A co-simulation parametric study
TE Morakinyo, KWDKC Dahanayake, E Ng, CL Chow
Energy and Buildings 145, 226-237, 2017
Heat mitigation benefits of urban green and blue infrastructures: A systematic review of modeling techniques, validation and scenario simulation in ENVI-met V4
Z Liu, W Cheng, CY Jim, TE Morakinyo, Y Shi, E Ng
Building and Environment 200, 107939, 2021
Performance of Hong Kong's common trees species for outdoor temperature regulation, thermal comfort and energy saving
TE Morakinyo, KKL Lau, C Ren, E Ng
Building and Environment 137, 157-170, 2018
Right tree, right place (urban canyon): Tree species selection approach for optimum urban heat mitigation-development and evaluation
TE Morakinyo, W Ouyang, KKL Lau, C Ren, E Ng
Science of the Total Environment 719, 137461, 2020
Rainfall distribution and change detection across climatic zones in Nigeria
SB Ogungbenro, TE Morakinyo
Weather and Climate Extremes 5, 1-6, 2014
Progress in urban greenery mitigation science–assessment methodologies advanced technologies and impact on cities
M Santamouris, G Ban-Weiss, P Osmond, R Paolini, A Synnefa, C Cartalis, ...
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 24 (8), 638-671, 2018
Thermal benefits of vertical greening in a high-density city: Case study of Hong Kong
TE Morakinyo, A Lai, KKL Lau, E Ng
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 37, 42-55, 2019
The cooling efficiency of variable greenery coverage ratios in different urban densities: A study in a subtropical climate
W Ouyang, TE Morakinyo, C Ren, E Ng
Building and Environment 174, 106772, 2020
Modelling the effect of tree-shading on summer indoor and outdoor thermal condition of two similar buildings in a Nigerian university
TE Morakinyo, KWDKC Dahanayake, OB Adegun, AA Balogun
Energy and Buildings 130, 721-732, 2016
The “plant evaluation model” for the assessment of the impact of vegetation on outdoor microclimate in the urban environment
Y Yang, E Gatto, Z Gao, R Buccolieri, TE Morakinyo, H Lan
Building and environment 159, 106151, 2019
Evaluating the role of green infrastructures on near-road pollutant dispersion and removal: Modelling and measurement
TE Morakinyo, YF Lam, S Hao
Journal of environmental management 182, 595-605, 2016
Analysis of urban expansion and land use changes in Akure, Nigeria, using remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques
IA Balogun, DZ Adeyewa, AA Balogun, TE Morakinyo
Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 4 (9), 533, 2011
Effect of tree-shading on energy demand of two similar buildings
AA Balogun, TE Morakinyo, OB Adegun
Energy and buildings 81, 305-315, 2014
Evaluating the thermal-radiative performance of ENVI-met model for green infrastructure typologies: Experience from a subtropical climate
W Ouyang, T Sinsel, H Simon, TE Morakinyo, H Liu, E Ng
Building and Environment 207, 108427, 2022
Simulation study of dispersion and removal of particulate matter from traffic by road-side vegetation barrier
TE Morakinyo, YF Lam
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 6709-6722, 2016
Comparing the effect of trees on thermal conditions of two typical urban buildings
TE Morakinyo, AA Balogun, OB Adegun
Urban Climate 3, 76-93, 2013
Estimates of the impact of extreme heat events on cooling energy demand in Hong Kong
TE Morakinyo, C Ren, Y Shi, KKL Lau, HW Tong, CW Choy, E Ng
Renewable energy 142, 73-84, 2019
Multi-purpose rainwater harvesting for water resource recovery and the cooling effect
KJ An, YF Lam, S Hao, TE Morakinyo, H Furumai
Water Research 86, 116-121, 2015
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Articles 1–20