Richard Moat
Residual stresses in laser direct metal deposited Waspaloy
RJ Moat, AJ Pinkerton, L Li, PJ Withers, M Preuss
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (6), 2288-2298, 2011
A comparative study of laser direct metal deposition characteristics using gas and plasma-atomized Ti–6Al–4V powders
MN Ahsan, AJ Pinkerton, RJ Moat, J Shackleton
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (25-26), 7648-7657, 2011
Linear friction welding of AISI 316L stainless steel
I Bhamji, M Preuss, PL Threadgill, RJ Moat, AC Addison, MJ Peel
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (2), 680-690, 2010
Deformation twinning in Ti-6Al-4 V during low strain rate deformation to moderate strains at room temperature
DGL Prakash, R Ding, RJ Moat, I Jones, PJ Withers, JQ Da Fonseca, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (21-22), 5734-5744, 2010
Additive manufacturing of bio-inspired multi-scale hierarchically strengthened lattice structures
C Tan, J Zou, S Li, P Jamshidi, A Abena, A Forsey, RJ Moat, K Essa, ...
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 167, 103764, 2021
Crystallographic texture and microstructure of pulsed diode laser-deposited Waspaloy
RJ Moat, AJ Pinkerton, L Li, PJ Withers, M Preuss
Acta Materialia 57 (4), 1220-1229, 2009
In situ observation of strain and phase transformation in plastically deformed 301 austenitic stainless steel
YB Das, AN Forsey, TH Simm, KM Perkins, ME Fitzpatrick, S Gungor, ...
Materials & Design 112, 107-116, 2016
Linear friction welding of aluminium to magnesium
I Bhamji, M Preuss, RJ Moat, PL Threadgill, AC Addison
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 17 (5), 368-374, 2012
Linear friction welding of aluminium to copper
I Bhamji, RJ Moat, M Preuss, PL Threadgill, AC Addison, MJ Peel
Science and technology of Welding and joining 17 (4), 314-320, 2012
In situ neutron diffraction study of texture evolution and variant selection during the α→ β→ α phase transformation in Ti–6Al–4V
GC Obasi, RJ Moat, DGL Prakash, W Kockelmann, JQ Da Fonseca, ...
Acta materialia 60 (20), 7169-7182, 2012
Design of weld fillers for mitigation of residual stresses in ferritic and austenitic steel welds
RJ Moat, HJ Stone, AA Shirzadi, JA Francis, S Kundu, AF Mark, ...
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 16 (3), 279-284, 2011
Origin of the Bauschinger effect in a polycrystalline material
AA Mamun, RJ Moat, J Kelleher, PJ Bouchard
Materials Science and Engineering: A 707, 576-584, 2017
Effect of interpass temperature on residual stresses in multipass welds produced using low transformation temperature filler alloy
T Ramjaun, HJ Stone, L Karlsson, J Kelleher, RJ Moat, JR Kornmeier, ...
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 19 (1), 44-51, 2014
The effect of γ′ particle size on the deformation mechanism in an advanced polycrystalline nickel-base superalloy
M Preuss, JQ da Fonseca, B Grant, E Knoche, R Moat, M Daymond
Superalloys 11, 405-414, 2008
Prediction of residual stresses in girth welded pipes using an artificial neural network approach
J Mathew, RJ Moat, S Paddea, ME Fitzpatrick, PJ Bouchard
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 150, 89-95, 2017
In-Situ observation of primary γ′ melting in Ni-base superalloy using confocal laser scanning microscopy
MM Attallah, H Terasaki, RJ Moat, SE Bray, Y Komizo, M Preuss
Materials characterization 62 (8), 760-767, 2011
Phase transformations across high strength dissimilar steel inertia friction weld
R Moat, M Karadge, M Preuss, S Bray, M Rawson
Journal of materials processing technology 204 (1-3), 48-58, 2008
Surface residual stresses in multipass welds produced using low transformation temperature filler alloys
TI Ramjaun, HJ Stone, L Karlsson, MA Gharghouri, K Dalaei, RJ Moat, ...
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 19 (7), 623-630, 2014
Work hardening induced by martensite during transformation-induced plasticity in plain carbon steel
RJ Moat, SY Zhang, J Kelleher, AF Mark, T Mori, PJ Withers
Acta materialia 60 (20), 6931-6939, 2012
Residual stress control of multipass welds using low transformation temperature fillers
RJ Moat, S Ooi, AA Shirzadi, H Dai, AF Mark, H Bhadeshia, PJ Withers
Materials science and technology 34 (5), 519-528, 2018
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